Chapter 9

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"Rose come on wake up today is the start of the second stage." Ash said as she shook Rose awake.

"Mmm no leave me alone." Rose groaned rolling over of off the bed causing her to scream as she landed on her face.

"ROSE." Ashley shouted jumping over the bed towards her friend, helping her up she saw that Rose landed on her nose and it started to bleed.

"What happened." Four asked as he came over towards the two girls.

"I rolled over of off the bed and landed on my face, I'm fine." Rose mumbled standing up and grabbing a set of clothing and walked towards the bathroom.

Pulling her hair into a messy bun she walked out of the bathroom while holding toilet paper on her nose

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Pulling her hair into a messy bun she walked out of the bathroom while holding toilet paper on her nose.

"Come on lets go already." Rose said while grumbling about not enough sleep .

" What happened to you." Eric asked her as soon as she stepped into the cafeteria.

"Not you too Eric." Rose asked in a angered voice causing Eric to raise his eyebrow at her.

"You want to repeat that question little girl." Eric growled out causing Rose to groan.

"Can't everyone just leave me alone." Rose shouted and stormed over to Max and his wife.

"Oh no." Linda whispered. "Max chocolate now." Linda whispered shouted towards Max causing him to look up only to see Rose storming towards them.

"On it." Max said jumping up and heading towards Eric. "No question just follow me." Max said scared.

"What's wrong with Rose." Eric asked Max as they walked towards the shopping area.

"Well Eric if you have to know it's that time of month for her so for a whole week we have to deal with a angry, moody and emotionally Rose so make sure you have at least a few chocolate bars or any candy on you otherwise she'll be very and I mean very angry with you for the entire time until you bring her chocolate or food so good luck." Max explained to Eric as he grabbed a bit of everything with chocolate. Causing Eric to gulp and do the same.

"How angry are we talking about." Eric asked with a hint of fear as they paid for the chocolate.

"Let's just say the first time it happened I didn't know and pushed her in her training I ended up with four broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a black eye. Since than I made sure to stay clear of her on her periods." Max explained to Eric as they made their way back to the pit where the others was.

"YOU STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ERIC HE IS MINE." A high pitch voice shouted as they entered the pit looking up they saw Karen one of the guards that works on the wall who thinks that Eric was hers.

"Listen here I'm not in the mood for you crap so take your high pitch voice and leave." Rose said in a deadly calm voice while glaring at Karen.

"Or what, what will you do." Karen asked placing her hands on her hips.

"You know what." Rose said standing up from her seat walking around the table towards Karen. "Let me put it like this, either you leave willingly or I'll put you in the infirmary, you choose." Rose said putting her hands behind her back while spreading her legs apart a little.

"You little." Karen started to scream but was cut of when her head was suddenly banged on the table before she could realise what was happening she was sent flying towards the exit of the pit next to Eric and Max.

"Can someone take her to the infirmary." Max asked looking down at an unconscious Karen.

"Is that for me." Rose suddenly asked next to Eric and Max causing them to freeze holding the bags towards her.

"Initiates second stage is canceled until next week because I don't want to have a repeat of what happened to me and now Karen fir the rest of the week so you all are free to do what you want." Max said looking towards Rose who was smiling at Eric as he held out a chocolate bar to Rose. "And please make sure to always have more than two chocolate bars on you please." Max added causing Rose to glare at him.

"Baby girl lets go watch a movie you can pick." Eric said cautiously leading her out of the pit up towards his room.

"Few that was close." Max whispered looking at everyone. "Never anger her unless you want to visit the infirmary." Max said looking at all of them.

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