Chapter 11

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"I still can't believe how fast Max canceled a whole week of stage two training." Ashley said as we sat and waited for our names to be called to go through our stage two training.

"It's not my fault that I can be scary when it's that time of the month for me." Rose said softly shifting in her seat as she thought back to what could of happened in the morning if Four didn't interrupt her and Eric.


"Come on baby girl time to wake up." Eric whispered to Rose as he kissed all over her face trying to wake her up.

"Mmmm Daddy five more minutes please." Rose whispered trying to move away from Eric only to be turned around faster than she could think.

"Baby girl the things you do to me." Eric growled out as he stared down into her eyes, leaning down he captured her lips with his, her arms moved towards the back of his head playing with his hair causing him to groan. His hands wandered down towards her shorts trying to take it off only to be interrupted by someone knocking on his door.

"Eric come on wake up Rose it's time for stage two." Four shouted from behind the door causing Rose to moan in protest as Eric pulled away and getting up.

"Don't worry baby girl soon I'll claim you as mine." Eric growled helping her up.

"se Rose." Ashley said shaking her lightly pulling her out of her day dreaming.

"Mmm oh Ash sorry I was lost in though." Rose said blushing brightly looking at her.

"It's fine Rose but Eric called your name your next on his list." Ashley said pointing towards a smirking Eric causing Rose to blush harder standing up Rose made her way towards Eric while looking down towards her feet, following Eric into the room. Hearing the door click as Eric locked it spinning around with a questioning look on her face Eric grabbed her while spinning them both aroun pushing her up against the wall next to the door.

"Eric." Rose gasped out as he started kissing her neck up towards her ear.

"I like seeing you in my clothes baby girl but I will like it better if you're naked." Eric whispered in her ear, pulling away from her he turned around walking towards the seat behind them. "Come on baby girl sit on the chair so that we can get this over with and remember to do everything the dauntless way and not divergent." Eric said to a still blushing Rose.

"Eric." Rose whined causing Eric to growl at her raising his eyebrow at her challenging.

"Now." Eric said in a dominant voice causing Rose to scramble up towards the seat. "Now baby girl you'll feel a light pinch on the side of your neck." Eric said as he moved towards her with the stimulation injection.

"Okay you'll be here when I get out of it right." Rose whimper looking at Eric with fear in her eyes causing Eric to bend down a little looking into her eyes.

"Of course baby girl." Eric said kissing her softly while he injected the serum into her neck.



"Rose you have to concentrate." Max shouted as she lost control of her powers.

"Max I can't" Rose said as she fell to her knees, trying to get control of her emotions and powers.

" It's just fear that's stopping you baby girl." Eric said walking out of the shadows.

"Eric what are you doing here, I'll hurt you please you and Max have to go." Rose said afraid to hurt the people she cares about.

"Baby girl you'll never hurt me I know that, so just concentrate on my voice and only my voice." Eric said walking closer to her.

"No please Eric I don't want to hurt you." Rose said trying to stand up but she can't her body isn't responding to her all she really wants to do is be held by him.

" Baby girl I know that you won't hurt me." Eric said pulling her into his arms. "See that wasn't so bad." He said only to be thrown away because her powers acted out again.
End of simulation.

"Eric." Rose whimpered shooting out of her seat looking around trying to see him.

" I'm here baby girl." Eric said standing next to her pulling her into his arms.

" Please don't let me go back in there it was awful I didn't mean to hurt you." Rose sobbed holding tighter onto him not letting go afraid that she will hurt him.

"Shhh shh it's okay baby girl why don't you go to sleep I'll carry you up to my room." Eric said picking her up walking out of the room only to be stopped by Max.

"What happened." Max asked seeing Rose sobbing into Eric's neck while she didn't want to release him.

"In her simulation she hurt me and now she doesn't want to let go of me." Eric whispered as he felt her relaxing and hearing her breathing slowing down.

"She won't let you out of her sight for a while trust me." Max said patting him on his shoulder. "Go I'll cover the rest of the initiates." Max said dismissing Eric.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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