Chapter 30

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I stared at the garish pink website, dread filling every breath I took, my mouth agape.

What the holy moley crap fest!!!

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What the holy moley crap fest!!!

My mind spun as I hyperventilated in the shower. My fingers shook as I tried to clean the bathroom so it stayed the status quo for my OCD host.

Is anywhere safe? If I farted, would the next article talk about the gassy starlet dating Luke?

My own company had revealed Luke's family's drama hours after he had told me himself. How was that possible? How did they find out? I was still trying to find a way to broach the subject to Luke when I walked into the kitchen in the early hours the following morning.

Will he think I wrote it? What will his family do? How will this affect him?

But Luke wasn't there, leaving me uncertain of what the day would hold. I began to make breakfast, trying to stay busy as my mind attempted to yank me back to the swirl of questions that began to cram themselves into my mind, my body, filling every possible space until it was nearly impossible to breath and think properly.

Is it possible to short circuit from confusion and fear?

A sudden buzzing filled the apartment, jarring me from my thoughts, toast suddenly forgotten, half buttered as I remembered that the buzzing belonged to an intercom next to the elevator.

Scrambling for it, I hit the button. "Um... yes?"

"Yes. This is William, the morning front desk guard. Someone down here is trying to get up to the Walker apartment. They claim to know..." the voice cut off as if waiting for someone to clarify. "Em Springs?"

"Who?" I asked, thinking that Delle was downstairs ready to shred me to pieces, assuming I had learned something and blasted it all over the internet.

Yeah, there's no way I am letting her up. I don't feel like dying today.

"They claim to be her parents," the voice replied.

I had to yank my hand away from the intercom as I let out a long string of whispered swears. What were they doing here?

"EM!?!" I heard my mother shout through the intercom so loudly that I jump back, startled. "Em! Tell this man that you know us! He won't—" she was cut off and the guard, William, came back on. "I apologize. They seized the intercom before I could stop them. Do you want me to send them away?"

Swallowing, I glanced towards Carter's room where he still slept. I leaned my head against the cool wall next to the intercom, shutting my eyes. "I don't know them. Send them away."

Several loud protests from my parents filled the intercom before it was cut off, leaving the apartment in silence.

I didn't tell Carter that they had come. Something in my gut told me to keep him as far from them as possible after their sudden eagerness to come home only to cash in on my "fortune."

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