Chapter 33

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What happens when you walk into a mansion with two Walkers? The rest of the Walker Wolves circle, ready to take a bite out of you. In there eyes, Delle and I were dating the heirs. Even though Andrew had given away his rights, that didn't change the fact that being close to Luke made him a threat in their eyes.

Delle had proven she could hold her own— a clever dragon with a pretty face. But me, dressed in a light pink dress, with zero threatening background? I was basically a walking pixie girl with a background of sass, acting and pretty bright colors.

Grrr... I'm terrifying. Fear the pixie pixie princess. 

I could practically smell the drool, Walkers hungry for a bite, eager to tear into flesh and rip apart the threat until they got what they wanted. It made me miss the paparazzi. At least I could scare them with a few words. The Walkers however...

Mrs. Walker sat tall at the head of the dining room table, face all sharp lines. Andrew sat next to her, Delle by his side. Delle looked across the table with a dangerous, intimidating smile at three men, Walker Cousins who looked anywhere but back at Delle. 

She had a knack for scaring people, and in this case, that was a very good thing. Better to have them thrown off by her, and underestimating me. 

Scary cop, pixie cop. 

Luke and I walked in, my arm on his. The gesture drew all eyes and I could practically feel everyone assessing, staring me down, wanting to peel away my skin to see how I ticked. To break in and analyze every part of this potential threat in the pink dress. 

"You finally joined us," Mrs. Walker said, sounding utterly bored as she swirled her wine glass, looking at me with a raised brow. "And you brought a marshmallow peep. Cute."

The three cousins chuckled, following her lead, their gazes going from appraisal to open sneers.

Good. Underestimate me.  

I allowed myself to blush, feeding into the narrative of a non threat. Someone playful. "I'm quite fond of Easter," I replied before Luke could say anything. "Although I'd prefer to be compared to something with chocolate."

Luke looked down at me, offering a hint of a smile as he pulled out my chair, fingers brushing my back in encouragement as he pushed my chair in as I sat. "I have to agree. Far more delicious."

Plates were placed in front of each of us with perfect synchronicity. Each had a tiny dollop of food— a small pink looking paste with a leaf sitting next to it. Apparently the pink thing was food and I couldn't tell if the blob was the entire meal or just a tiny hint of what was to come. 

I glanced at Delle for help and she smirked to herself, as if she could sense my look and with very unlady-like manners, she scooped up the entire dollop with a random spoon among the bunch, and shoved the glob into her mouth. The Walker Cousin's looked at her, aghast, shocked by her barbarian eating style. 

Mrs. Walker gently took up a small amount of the goop with a much smaller spoon and took a bite, and I could have sworn the timing was meant to help give me an example of what to actually do, versus Delle's game to just mess with the high strung cousins. 

I decided to follow Mrs. Walker's lead, and eat the goop with a Polly Pocket sized spoon. 

"So..." said Mrs. Walker putting down her spoon and gently touching her cloth napkin to the non existent food on her lips. "How has work been?" she asked, her cold eyes turning on the three Walker Cousins, as if conducting an interview. 

They all seemed to snap to attention, eager to prove themselves, and I had to admit, I was impressed by how quickly she yanked their focus and shoved them into a fighting ring with each other. 

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