Chapter 34

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"Cucumbers are completely fine on a burger," I said, staring down Allie with a determined grin before taking another large bite of my greasy cucumber filled burger. Allie's eyes twitched and I couldn't help but smile wider, enjoying the way Allie was willing to die on such a ridiculous food pet peeve hill.

"No... it's the inferior version of pickles—"

"They are healthier," Laliana supplied trying to play peace maker as she took a bite of her own greasy burger, ketchup flying out the bottom end and plopping onto her white top with a splat. "Dang it," she muttered.

"Cucumbers..." Allie muttered. "You might as well eat a salad," she sighed, rubbing her temples before glancing at Laliana. "You need to start wearing plastic ponchos before eating. It's a miracle that your clothes look as good as they do considering how many things you slather on them."

"You pick out my clothes, Allie. You're the reason no one bashes me on the gossip channels anymore. But there is no way I am wearing a poncho," Laliana said, wrinkling her nose at the idea.

Allie smiled, proud of herself. "I'm quite gifted."

Laliana, Allie, Delle and myself were all crammed into a tiny hole in the wall burger shop a few blocks from the studio, the sun streaming in through the side window, heating up the place and sending the chrome booth tops glistening under the sun rays. 

The four of us had taken to having lunch once a week since Delle had found me isolating myself outside of Carter's hospital room. She had proven to be a protective ally. The type of girl who would key a car for you. She had brought me into the fold, encouraging me to get to know the others on set. 

We sat at a tiny booth, staring at each other's burgers with mild disgust. Laliana was eating a burger that only had ketchup on it, like a five year old, Allie's was drowning in pickles, the others stared at my burger covered in cucumbers and pink sauce like I was eating a glorified salad, while Delle—

"Both cucumbers and pickles are gross," Delle supplied. "It's all about the jalapeños. If your food doesn't kick you in the teeth with flavor then you are doing it wrong."

I rolled my eyes. "Not everything needs to be violent, Delle. Food can just be food without needing to use a fire extinguisher in your mouth to enjoy it."

"Pretty sure a fire extinguisher would make it worse," Laliana said, looking up from violently scrubbing her top with a mountain of napkins.

I waved her comment away. "Semantics. The point is, not every food item needs to set your mouth on fire."

Delle threw her head back and laughed. "Better than dumping sugar on everything."

I snorted. "Enjoying sugary food doesn't mean I dump sugar on everything. I'm not a monster. I just have a weakness for desserts."

"Poh-tay-toe. Poh-taw-toe," Delle replied. 

"Be nice Delle. Em how are you holding up?" Laliana asked, her eyes filling with concern. I took another bite of my cucumber filled burger and chewed slowly to buy myself a moment.

When I stopped willingly offering information to XOXO Gossip over the last few weeks, wanting to move past that part of my life and focus on uncovering the Walker blackmailer, articles bashing me had come out full force, serving as Dawns attempt to pull me back to her side.

I had been called everything from a "gold digger," referencing my living situation with Luke, to "the worst actress ever to be caught on screen" which was just confusing considering the movie hadn't even come out yet.

Delle watched me carefully, waiting for my response.

I looked back down at my burger, avoiding Delle's analyzing gaze. "I try not to let it get to me." I didn't have the right to complain. Not when I had written articles on literally every other person at the table... along with all of their boyfriends and fiancé.

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