Chapter 42

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"Why'd you drag me out there before dawn?" Carter muttered, rubbing his eyes for the tenth time since arriving at the water's edge. Pulling his jacket up higher around his neck, he huddled inside it like a bird puffing up it's feathers for warmth.

I had to admit, coming to Scotland in 49 degree weather was not the smartest choice I had ever made, but as I stared out at the black water, waiting for the sun to rise, body shivering from the early morning cold, I could hardly contain myself. I had finally gotten to where I wanted to be.

Carter muttered to himself, eyes on his phone, his face lit in the low glow from the screen.

"Come on Carter, this is exciting! No cameras, no being chased. Just us and LOCH NESS!!!"

He gave me a bored look. "It's dark. There is nothing to see."

I shoved my hands deep into my coat pockets and rocked back on my heels. "You never know if Nessie is out there, watching us. It's exciting. And instead of taking it in, you are glued to your phone."

"Do you blame me? Your stunt has been all over the internet for HOURS. You are the top search! People can't decide if it was a publicity stunt, or real."

Toeing a slick rock with my stained glass floral patterned combat boots, I looked away, tucking my rainbow hair into the hood of my jacket, trying to hide from the memories from twenty four hours ago. After leaving the amphitheater, ducking into a Lyft that was waiting for me, I headed to the airport, where Carter was already waiting.

I hadn't told him where we were going. Just to pack warm and bring his passport. Then we got on a plane and left. And after checking in with a local hospital, to assure they had what Carter needed just in case he had an accident, we drove to The Lock Inn, checked in and then I dragged us directly to Loch Ness, too excited to wait until sunrise.

I wasn't expecting to be gone for longer than a week. Just long enough for everything to settle down in Los Angeles, but as Carter continued to update me on the state of things— against my will, I was beginning to think we may need to extend our trip.

"People are saying the movie is going to be the biggest blockbuster in history, Em."

"Faaaaantastic. Dustin will be thrilled," I muttered.

"Also, Alexander Walker, Dawn and Kevin are all being destroyed all over social media. They've already been taken to jail."

I wasn't as irritated by that development.

"Also, the man you are in love with , and who I am assuming we don't talk about or name is right up there with you in the searches."

Carter peeked up at me, gaging my reaction. When I ignored him, he continued, unperturbed. "The media asked him about his thoughts on what you said..." Carter paused again, waiting. But I still didn't say anything, instead, choosing to focus on the slight pink that had begun to overtake the sky.

"He didn't give them an answer," Carter added.

I finally glanced at my brother. "So you basically told me nothing..."

Carter shrugged. "Thought you'd want to know he hasn't bashed you or anything. That's something."

He went back to his phone, typing something out, oblivious to the majesty around us... even if it was all hidden in darkness.

The sky began to bleed orange, dying the dark blue away. I let out a breath of awe as the water began to chance color, like a spark setting the water ablaze. It was like watching the world come to life. Gold seeped across castle ruins, filling each crack with glittering light. The biting cold thawing away as the sun kissed my skin. The air itself seemed to be filled with magic.

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