Part 7

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The next few hours were extremely hard for Sam and Dean. Sam had to watch his brother in agony while he helped cure him and Dean had to let in every emotion that came with all the terrible things he had done while he was a demon. After a long hard night it was finally done.
Dean sat slumped on the floor crying. He hated to cry, especially in front of someone but he couldn't help it. He was absolutely gutted about what he had done to the people he loves, it made him physically sick and he threw up.

"C'mon Dean, let's get you home" Sam sighed as he walked over to pick his brother up and help him hobble to baby. The car ride back was silent. Dean wanted to ask about Rebecca but he wasn't sure what Sam knew, he just knew that Cas would have taken care of her.

They arrived at the bunker and Sam turned the car off but neither of them moved. They sat in silence until Sam broke it.

"Rebecca is in there. I haven't seen her since..." Sam took a breath while Dean sat shamefully next to him. "Cas said it's bad, I don't know any details but it was bad enough for her to have permanent scars that even Cas couldn't heal. I know that it wasn't 'you'. But what did you do to her Dean?" Dean squeezed his eyes shut and grumbled in frustration.

"Sam it was bad. I-I don't, I can't, I... I honestly don't know if this could ever, not be bad. I messed up so bad, I hurt her so bad. I don't understand how I could have done this. I just want her to be okay, and safe and unharmed but I ruined that, I tortured the person who I love most, ho-how could someone do that!" It was obvious to Sam that Dean regretted everything, so much so that it was killing him inside.

"Dean it's because it wasn't you, not in your right mind! It's going to be incredibly hard for both of you but we got one step out of the way, making you human. Ok that part is done. You just need to be patient, things will not just go back to normal. It will take lots of time and lots of pain, for everyone. Let's get inside, we both need sleep and I need to check on Becs"

The boys got out of the car and Dean locked himself in a spare room furthest away from his room where Rebecca's was. Sam went and checked on Becca. Cas was right, it was bad. Even though she was covered from toe to neck, he could see odd looking scars on her neck and face. He cringed at the sight and the thought that it was so much worse under the blanket.

He knew Cas had put her to sleep so he let her get some rest while he went and had a shower. Sam stayed in her room on the couch so that if she woke up she wouldn't be alone. This whole situation has taken a huge toll on all of them. They all slept until morning.

Rebecca's eyes shot open as she became conscious. She looked around cautiously before she heard breathing coming from the other side of the room.
Bec realised it was Sam asleep on the couch. 'Why was he in her room?' She thought. After a minute of thinking she remembered everything in a daze. 'No no no, that couldn't have happened, it must be a dream'.
Becca silently got out of bed and refused to look at herself until she was in the bathroom with the door closed.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, hoping that her memory betrayed her. Slowly her eyes opened, she stared blankly at her body in shorts and a t-shirt, seeing the damage from the least effected part of her body. After a minute of shock Bec teared up and started sobbing. She covered her mouth with her hands, trying not to make noise as all her emotions came flooding in. Silently hyperventilating she took her shirt off, revealing tons of different shaped scars.
Unfortunately Bec remembered how she got each one. Becca was frozen in her place, crying in front of the mirror when she saw the door open behind her.

Sam woke up to see the bed empty and heard Rebecca's sobs in the bathroom. He poked his head around the door and gasped at what he saw. He tried to keep his face as neutral as possible for Rebecca's sake but it was hard since he was now seeing the extent of what happened. They made eye contact but Becca stayed frozen and crying. "Oh Becs" Sam sighed as he slowly closed the distance. He moved in front of Becca and blocked her vision from the mirror. Bec stood there trembling before him. He motioned for a hug but knew Becca couldn't move so he slowly pulled her in, keeping an eye on her expression to make sure she was comfortable with that. Bec just leaned into Sam and cried harder. After a while Sam tried to manoeuvre them both onto the bed and layed down with Rebecca still crying into Sams chest. They stayed like this for hours.

When Becca woke up for the second time, she was aware of her surroundings. She was at the bunker after Cas healed her after being raped by the demon version of her boyfriend and Sam was lying next to her. She regretted breaking down in front of Sam before, now it's going to be harder for her to pretend she was ok. Sam woke up too. "Hey Becs"
"Hi" Becca croaked. "What happened to Dean?" She asked.
Sam scoffed, "you're really asking about Dean right now?"
"Yes, is he ok? What happened? I don't remember anything after... I need to know what happened"
Sam shook his head, "fine uhhh, I woke up and you were both gone so I went back to the motel to regroup, then Cas appeared and told me he found you. Dean called him to come get you. I was on my way back to the bunker when I got a call from Dean. He was half way through curing himself but needed my help to finish the job. So we did. Becca, Dean is human again" Rebecca dropped her head as a tear dripped down her cheek, she smiled in satisfaction that Dean was now her Dean again.

"Look Becca, Dean is himself again and he remembers everything that happened. Apparently when he was... with you his human emotions broke through. What happened was awful but he is now human again because of you. You saved him Becs" Sam wasn't sure if this is what she needed to hear.
"I'm so glad haha" Rebecca sighed in relief. She looked up at Sam.
"Is he here? Can I see him? Is he ok?" Sam looked at her stunned.
"You want to see him after what he just did to you yesterday?! We both know it wasn't really him but are you sure you're ready?"
"I mean no but I need to see him, to make sure Dean is Dean. I need to know that I didn't get ra- that I didn't go through that for no outcome. That it was worth something." The only thing on Beccas mind right now was making sure Dean was ok. Because if she focused on if she was ok the answer would definitely be no and that's too hard right now. She can't have another break down in front of Sam or anyone for that matter, she would have to wait until she was completely alone.
"It was definitely worth something, I'm just sorry that it had to happen that way. How are you feeling? Are you sore? Do you need anything?" Sam wanted more than anything for Becca and Dean to be ok.
"I need to see Dean"

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