Part 10

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They made their way down the hall to the bathroom with Beccas arm over Deans shoulder. Dean gently sat Rebecca down on the bath tub, made sure she was stable and got the med kit out of the cupboard. He turned around to see Bec peeling the blood filled towel off her arm. Dean felt queasy at the sight, knowing she did that much damage to herself.
"Okay, you ready?" Dean asked kneeling down in front of her. Becca stretched her arm forward for Dean to have a good look at. He started with antibacterial wipes and as soon as they touched her skin her eyes shot up, looking Dean in the eyes and seeing him properly, causing her pain again, even if it was to help, made her yank her arm back to her and move backwards, only to slip and fall into the empty bath. All Dean wanted to do was help but he knew trying to, would only make matters worse. So he just stood there feeling useless.
"Ahh fuck" exclaimed Becca. She'd reopened her wounds yet again from the fast movement of her falling.
"I'm so sorry, Becs can I get you out?" Dean leant in but stopped when Becca lifted her hand. She covered her face as well as possible with her hand on the uninjured arm while she kept the rest of her body as still as she could to not cause more pain. She was crying.
"Please leave, I-i just need a minute" Bec sobbed.
"Becca I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"No no it wasn't you jus please, give me a second" at this point Becca was begging.
Dean sighed, he really didn't want to make things worse and he knew he would by trying to help. So he started to head out but as he turned his back, he heard a familiar British voice.
"Bee what have you done!?"

Deans anger went straight up when he heard that voice.
"What the fuck are you doing here Crowley!" He yelled.
"How did you even get in!"
"Wow squirrel, with that temper of yours, you really wonder why she does things like this" Crowley gestured to the bloody mess named Rebecca.
That infuriated Dean, how dare he...
"Crowley that's not fair" Becs demeanour changed quickly.
"But this is because of him isn't it?" Crowley asked smugly.
"No. It isn't actually" Becca tried to get up but it just caused her more pain. Crowley huffed and leant in to help Rebecca out of the tub. Dean was going to intervene so Becca didn't panic again, but surprisingly she didn't hesitate at all to let Crowley help her.
Crowley relocated Rebecca to the closed toilet seat. Dean stood there wondering what just happened and why Becca just let the king of hell help her rather then her boyfriend. Rather then her ex-demon boyfriend that recently raped and tortured her. Ok maybe it does make sense, thought Dean. Crowley actually hadn't done anything bad to Rebecca, not that Dean knew about anyway.

Rebecca gave an unimpressed look to Crowley but silently said Thankyou.
"So Bee what the hell happened" asked Crowley.
Becca rolled her eyes "nothing I just, I. I don't know, I'm fine, it's fine I. Ughh nothing! What are you doing here" with each word Rebecca got more worked up.
"Mmmm fine, I can totally see that" Crowley turned to Dean "what did you do squirrel"
Dean looked at Crowley slightly shocked
"I didn't, I-I mean I did but I. I don't need to tell you shit, get out of my bunker!"
"Well seeing as you can't even get your girlfriend to stop destroying her own body, or at least get her cleaned up after just screams to me that I need to stay and not leave you alone with her"
"Crowley stop it, it wasn't his fault, this isn't about him, can you please not"
"Becca what the hell is Crowley doing here" Dean yelled. Bec slightly cowered away from him and Dean started to think that maybe he should leave. She obviously felt more comfortable with the king of hell then she did with him, though he didn't know when they got so close.
"I don't know I swear, I'm sorry, I'll get him to leave..."
"No. No it's ok, do you want me to go? I'll come back in a bit?"
"Uh," Bec looked up at Dean then back down in her lap.
"Do you mind?" Dean was a bit shocked, but listened anyway.
"Yeah, yeah ok, I'm going to come back in 10 minutes though to check everything's ok. You sure your good" he whispered the last sentences.
Rebecca nodded "yeah I'm okay, thanks" she still kept minimal eye contact and Dean kept his distance.
"Ok, see you in ten" Dean gave Crowley a death stare as he walked out. Once Dean was outside he took a deep shaky breath, he bent down and leaned on his knees to take everything in. He felt so much guilt for everything he'd done.

"What did you do Bee" Crowley asked firmly.
"Crowley I'm really not in the mood, are you gonna help me? Because if not you can go too"
Crowley sighed and grabbed the med kit.
"Of course I'm going to help you, but you still need to tell me what happen" Becca didn't answer and sat there quietly instead, she held out her arm and this time braced herself for the sting of the alcohol.

Dean came back in exactly ten minutes like he said he would, and by then Crowley had just finished cleaning her wounds and all the dry blood off her.
"How's it going?" Dean asked
"Fine, no thanks to you" snarled Crowley
"Crowley stop! Just stop with the comments" the last thing Rebecca ever wanted was for Dean to feel bad about anything, especially something that he did that he couldn't control.
"It's fine, we're good, Thankyou. You should go back to sleep. I'm sorry for causing all this drama" Becs still barely looked at Dean and it killed him. She didn't cause any drama, it was all his fault.
"Ok. If your sure... do you want me to get you anything first?" He really didn't want to leave but it was obvious Becca didn't want or need him here.
"Maybe a some water please"
"Yeah of course, I'll be right back" Dean left to get some water and snacks in case Rebecca was hungry.

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