Part 11

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"Crowley what is wrong with you! Why are you being so mean to him? I did this, not him" Bec pulled back so Crowley couldn't keep cleaning her wounds, he looked at her.
"Well word has it that he did do something bad to you, I didn't know what but I come here to find this. Something happened, and it was his fault. So, what was it. What made you relapse after all this time?" How did he know all this, Dean was the only person who knew about her self harm, and now Sam but how did Crowley find out?
"Wh- How did you... no one knows about that"
"I have my ways bumble bee, so what happened?" Becca sat there in shock, she hated people knowing her secret, yeah it would have been out after tonight anyway, but he knew all this time!? This made her angry, who told him.
"No. I don't need to tell you anything, it's none of your business! You didn't need to come here, you don't need to help me, I think you should just leave"
"Wow, I know why you and Dean get along so well, you have the same temper" Rebecca's eyes shot up to Crowley and gave him a deathly glare.
"Okay okay, I'm just trying to help" Crowley got out the needle and thread and held it up.
"This is gonna hurt so buckle up" Bec swallowed hard and closed her eyes to prepare, but then Dean walked back in.
"I got water and some chips and a sandwich, in case you want something to eat" Dean looked at the two. And for the first time he really looked at Beccas body. Now that it wasn't covered in blood and she had little clothes on, he saw all the scars and bruises that littered her body from his hand. His hands trembled and almost dropped the plates. He quickly put down the plates and the glass.
"Ahh ok. Do you need help, are you all good, is there anything else you need?" Bec could tell Dean was shaken by her appearance.
"No we're good Thankyou Dean"
"Ahhh actually I might need a hand to keep her still, this is gonna hurt" Crowley chimed in.
Becca looked at Crowley with a worried expression.
"N-no it's ok, we'll be fine" Bec really didn't want the feeling of Dean holding her still while pain was inflicted on her. Whether it was to help or not. She'd panic and she didn't want either of them to see that.
"No we won't be fine, Dean grab her arm. Here bite this" He held out a towel to her mouth. Dean inched closer. Becca started to moved away from the boys but she didn't have very far to go when they were both covering any exit points. Rebecca was getting very nervous now. Crowley gripped her elbow firmly and stilled Becca.
"This. Needs to happen. You will not sit still and you don't want Sam to be woken so Dean it is. Plus if this isn't his fault, and he did nothing wrong then this shouldn't be a problem" Bec glared at him, contemplating her choices, there really wasn't many. She would have to suck it up and play cool.
"Ok, let's get this over with" Bec leaned back and closed her eyes, surely if she couldn't see him she could convince herself it wasn't him. Nope, she couldn't convince herself of anything anymore. He ever so gently held her arm yet she still started hyperventilating. She squeezed her eyes closed and hoped it would be over soon. Crowley started with the needle and Bec tried to stay still as possible so Dean wouldn't have to tighten his grip. She did really well. They moved on to her thighs and Dean had to put his hand on her knee. This startled Rebecca and she jumped, opened her eyes and saw Dean hovering over her holding her down.
"No no no I can't, sorry no please" Becca stood up and pushed past them before they had time to stop her.

Becca ran out of the bathroom and hid around the nearest corner. Breathing heavily, she tried to be as still and quiet as possible. After a few minutes she settled and realised there was no noise. No talking or footsteps. Bec had expected them to follow her to try to finish the stitches. Maybe they were glad she ran off. Maybe they didn't really want to help but just felt obligated.
Rebecca slowly made her way back down the hall. Hopefully they'd gone and she can finish up herself. As she neared the door she heard voices. And they got louder and louder. She'd left Dean and Crowley alone. That probably wasn't the best idea. They were screaming at each other and she couldn't make out what they were saying but she was sure it was about her.

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