Party Hardy

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Noah's POV:

Another day, another book. I'm reading a romance, and it's way to explicit. I think it's called Ice Breaker or something like that? I don't know, but it's something else.

I walk into school and go to my locker, I usually get there early so I have more free time. Then I see that boy who bumped into me and laughed, not even apologizing, like we get it, you're so kind.

Cody, ugh, I hate him. I walk past him and I feel his eyes on me, I turned around to see him staring at me weirdly. "What?" I responded.

"I saw you staring at me from your book, is there something wrong?" Cody asked. He looks like he's trying to be mean. "No, there isn't." I said looking him up and down. "Then, why are you looking at me like that?" Cody said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Like what? Like a fag? Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause any harm, I'm just on my way to the yellow brick road to sing and dance with Dorothy and and all of her magical friends." I rolled my eyes. "I didn't even say you were one." Cody said. "Oh, but you definitely thought of it. Did you?" I said beginning to walk away.

More students came in the school and gathered to their lockers, "Well then, fuck you!" Cody shouted down the hall at me. I know he did not just say that to me, I dropped my books and book bag to the ground knowing i'm about to beat his ass. The hallways filled with murmur. "What did you just say to me, twink?" I said getting mad and walking up towards him again.

"I said, fuck you!" Cody repeated pushing me hard. I scoffed and punched him upside his head. He threw a punch at me, and then we began fighting. People screamed and laughed, they gathered around us, cheering. I finally pinned him and punched him repeatedly, until he started to bleed. He head butted me and punched me in my eye. I wanted to kill him, there was blood all over my blue shirt. Damn it, Cody!

"Break it up!" A police officer shouted before breaking me and Cody apart and pinning me to the ground. "Fuck, get your hands off of me, biggie!" I grunted trying to escape the officer's grip. Then, he brought me up and dragged me to the office, and Cody was handled by another officer.

We both sat outside the door for the principal's office. I felt around my eye, it hurt like hell, but I've been through worst. "Fuck." I softly said in pain. Cody stared but just looked away. "You broke my nose." Cody said sternly. "I couldn't give an extra fuck, Cody." I said getting annoyed.

"Well damn, my fault." Cody said. Just as he did, the principal walks outside and grabs us both by the ears. She sat us down and she sat down at her desk. "Please explain why you two fought?" She said trying to remain calm. "Listen, I said fuck you to him, and he got all mad and I pushed him, I threw first punch." Cody said, taking the blame for everything.

I wasn't stopping him, he could take it for all I care. "Okay, thank you. Clean the stage for a month and one week of ISS, you two. Starting tomorrow!" she declared. "But, Mrs. Justi-" "No buts, Noah. Now head to the nurse." She stated. I rolled my eyes and me and Cody went to the nurse. First, Cody got treated. I guess I fucked him up pretty bad, that's funny.

Then, I just got an eyepatch. I'm not complaining, it did look pretty okay on me. I went to head back to class when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry dude, you know. For beating your ass." Cody smiled, like he was trying not to laugh. "I don't need your pity, I beated YOUR ass up. Let's agree on that." I stated before walking into In School Suspension with Cody. I guess Owen got my books cause he was there when me and that bitch Cody fought. I'm bored and have nothing to do.

I raised my hand to the teacher sitting in silence. "Yes?" He answered. "Can I go to the library to get a book?" I asked. "Hmm, let me think about it. No." He then started laughing at his remark. I snuck a middle finger by scratching my forehead with it.

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