Chapter 20: Where'd You Go?

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3rd Person POV

You slowly opened your eyes. Everything was blurry and your head hurt. Once your vision cleared you tried to move, but your arms and legs were tied to a chair. Then a light turned on in front of you.

"I see your awake now." A voice said. Once you got used to the light you looked up to see one of your old sensei's. 

"Took you long enough." The other one said, appearing out of the shadows.

"What do you guys what?" You said weakly. 

"Remember you we said you would pay for betraying us." One of them said putting their fists together.

"What're you gonna do to me." You said both confused and scared.

"We're gonna make you a Foot recruit again, and to make sure you don't betray us once again, we'll make sure you have nowhere to go." The other said. You sat there in shock. You didn't know what to say or do. Then they untied you from the chair.

"Put these on and meet us in the Foot shack. If you don't it'll only make it worse for you." He said giving you a Foot recruit uniform. Then they left the room for you to change.

You stared at the uniform in your hands and silently cried. You didn't know what to do. You didn't what to come back, but they could hurt the turtles. They could hurt Mikey.

You quickly put on the clothes  and headed over to wear the Foot shack was. You knew where the layout from when you worked there. You opened the vault door to see customers everywhere and your sensei's at the counter. 

You walked over to the counter, shaking a little bit. You didn't know what would happen, but nothing good could come from this. You stood next to him and he put his hand on your shoulder, crouching down a little to be leave with you.

"Okay so here's what's gonna happen." He said in a whisper, that only you could hear. "Your joining the foot clan again. To keep you from running away again were going to pull a heist got it?" He said.

"What do you mean? Hows that going to keep me from leaving?" You said confused, trying to get as much Intel as possible. 

"Once we pull the heist, those turtles will come to stop us. Then they'll realize your there with us. Your gonna tell them that your back working with the Foot and that your leaving them. Simple as that." He said.

"And what makes you think that I'd say that. How are you gonna stop me from telling them your plan?" You said. 

"We have our ways." He said with a smirk on his face. You didn't want to know what they were going to do, but you knew what they were capable of. "We've already taken your phone, so you can't contact them. You'll remain in the room where you were before, so you can't leave either. We'll get you when it's time." He said and the other foot guy escorted you out.


Mikey woke up in the morning to see he was all alone. He rubbed his eyes and quickly to both sides of him. He looked on the floor because sometimes you'd fall off the hammock and you'd remain asleep on the floor, but he couldn't find you.

He didn't remember you coming to snuggle after you went for a walk. Maybe he was already asleep when you and you just happened to wake up before him. A little confused he got up to go look for you.

He headed over to the kitchen, knowing you'd probably be getting coffee. You probably didn't sleep that much, so it was surprising that you woke up before him. He walked in to see Donnie making himself coffee with Leo talking to him, both still in their PJs.

"Morning guys. Have either of you seen Y/n? They weren't there when I got up." Mikey said a little consurned. Leo and Donnie looked at each other.

"I haven't seen them since dinner." Leo said. A little confused about where you were. "Is something wrong, Miguel?" He asked.

"Well they left for a walk in the middle of the night and they never came back." Mikey said looking down. He was thinking of all the things that could happen to you. God why did he let you go take a walk by yourself in New York in the middle of the night. Just then Raph burst into the room scaring everyone.

"Guys! I was just watching the news and the Foot are stealing TV's! Which is kinda confusing? Like why would they steal TV's? BUT WE STILL GOTTA STOP THEM! MAD DOGS! ROLL OUT!!!" Raph said pointing to the door. Everyone ran out to got o the turtle tank. Mikey was still a little worried about you. I mean you were a ninja too, so you could take care of yourself, right?

Once they were all in the tank Donnie navigated and Raph drove. Mikey quickly decided to text you to see if you were okay. He sent it and waited, anxiously. After a few seconds the text was read, but there was no response. He started to feel really scared and sad. Why didn't you respond? Did he do something wrong? 

Little did he know that the text was read by someone else and it was infact not you. Leo was sitting next to Mikey and noticed that he was scared and worried.

"Hey hermano, Y/n is probably fine. Did you try texting them?" He said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I did! It's read, but they didn't respond!" He said holding his phone up so he could see the screen.

"Hmm that's weird. Oh look we're here. Maybe fighting some paper punks will make you feel better." Said punching the air. 

"I doubt it." He said, holding his phone to his chest. Once the tank stopped they all got out and headed for the store. Once they were there they noticed a bunch of TV's and other electronic devices were stolen and broken windows.

They looked around to see nobody there, but some foot face jerks and apparently you. You were carrying a tv in your hand in a line with other recruits. The second you saw them you looked away. One of your sensei's ordered everyone to leave and you were left alone with your sensei's and the turtles.

"Y/n why are you here? And why do you have a foot uniform on?" He said confused, hoping it wasn't what it looked like. Just then one of your sensei's walked up behind you and rested a knife to your back. You barely felt it, but it was enough pressure for you to start shaking. The turtles weren't able to see it and you weren't able to tell them.

"They're working with us now. You didn't really think they changed did you?" One of the foot faces said.

"Y/n, is this true? Were you just using us?" The sadness in his voice made you want to break into tears. You couldn't look at him. "Did you ever love me?" He said tears running down his face. You couldn't look at him and you couldn't bare to say it either. You just shook your head and your sensei powered the knife from your back.

"Your sensei's ordered for you all to leave. And you took one last look at Mikey seeing how absolutely broken he was, and left the scene.


1236 words 

Sorry this took so long. I had writers block.

In the comments could you all let me know what you want to see more of in the book like more angst, lovey-dovey stuff, etc.

I'd also be really happy if some of you got the stealing the tvs reference.

I hope you all enjoyed!

Constructive criticism is always appreciated!

Thank you for reading!

Have a great day! Ye! 🧡

Trust (Rottmnt Mikey x GN Foot Recruit Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя