Kuwar Pratap 🗡️

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Hello everyone..!
Ik most of the people who is reading this story is a "Praja" fan, but I will be giving a brief description of Pratap in this chapter for all those who wish to understand it better.

So Pratap is the first prince of Mewar son of Maharana Uday Singh and Maharani Jaiwanta Bai.
He is calm, composed, righteous and brave.
He always listen to what his mother teach him and obey his father's orders.
So far he has won many battles against Mughals and bairam khan.
He is a great warrior capable of defeating 10 people and more at once.
They all live in Chittor, capital of Mewar.
MEWAR Is a prosperous kingdom of the area called RAJPUTANA, that is known for the bravery and vallor of its people.
As the story unfold you will see Pratap in a fair where he went to buy bangles for his mother during the return from an important mission where he unknowingly befriended his sworn enemy Akbar.

Akbar is the ruling king of Mughals
His only goal right now is to defeat Pratap and bring whole Rajputana under his control.
He is same age as pratap but became a king due to early death of his father Humayun.

Both Pratap and Akbar don't know about each other's identity as they both are pursuing a mission in commoner's attire. They just see each other as good friends and able competitor.

So right now Pratap woke up early morning at 5 and went to do his daily routine of bathing and praying.
Then he decided to have breakfast and go to Village fair to buy something for his Ranima (mother)
She is the most important person in Pratap's life.

He rome around here and there and decided to look for clothes, jewellery, bangles, makeup , etc.
But nothing seems appealing enough to him to gift to his Ranima.

Finally he decided to buy some bangles.
He went to the bangle shop and choose bangles for his Ranima and accidentally end up telling about his true identity of being the prince of Mewar to shopkeeper.
Shopkeeper bows to him and keep the bangles that he choose aside.

Pratap heard some noises from a distance so he went to check on that.

The picture added on the top is the current attire if Pratap.

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