confused hearts..? 💓

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Bhago, comes to Ajabdeh with the news of her getting married.
Bhago is Ajabdeh's childhood friend and is the daughter of royal priest of Bijolia.
Bhago is getting married to chakrapani.
Ajabdeh hugs Bhago and congratulate her, she was happy that her friend is finding happiness and love at the same time.

Bhago tells Ajabdeh how she met chakri and how they both fell in love, Ajabdeh was thankful to Kanha ji for making such a good jodi (couple).
She also tells her about chakri being Kuwar Pratap's good friend.

Somewhere else in the practice zone, kuwar Pratap was practicing his sword skills but his mind is adjusted to what chakri Said to him,
"Does he really like Ajabdeh ?"

If yes, is it really possible between them, will his father and mothers specially chotima will agree to this.

Pratap was lost in thoughts and didn't realise that someone is admiring him from a distance.
Pratap was suddenly hurt in his wrist and few drops of blood flows.

"Kuwar sa be careful" comes a worried voice from a distance, Pratap was shocked as Ajabdeh come running and was visible worried for him.
She took his hand and tied her dupatta on the wound and instructed him to be careful.

Kuwar Pratap was shocked and is watching Ajab with utmost admiration, Pratap's heart was at ease seeing Ajabdeh worried for him and tending him.

"I wish I get these wounds daily" these were the words he was thinking.

"Ji did you said something" asked Ajabdeh.
Pratap came out of this imagination and said "dhanyawad" to Ajabdeh.

"Thankyou Ajabdeh, you take care of me so well"
Ajabdeh was stunned at this and said in a wisper...

"You are our guest it's our duty, please be careful next time"

With these words Ajabdeh leaves from there with a hidden smile leaving a confused Pratap.

Back at their chambers, Phool was busy telling Bhago about her new Jewellry and how Pratap snatched her bangles (how she don't like Pratap at all), while Bhago was telling her about her marriage with Pratap's friend and how they fell in love.

This is when Ajabdeh enters the room and she seems a bit disturbed, Bhago noticed this but didn't want to bring it infront of Phool Kuwar, just then
Jalam Singh called Phool...

"Look baisa, your grandfather has sent a gift for you."
Phool became excited and ran away.

"What happened Ajabdeh, you look disturbed? " Bhago asked in a concerned tone.
Bhago noticed that Ajabdeh's favourite Duppata is being torn and worries further.

Ajabdeh avoids the conversation by saying nothing happened and went to do her prayers.

Ajabdeh went to Laxmi and was talking to her...
"What should I do Laxmi, I don't know what is happening to me, why do I have this new feeling whenever I am around kuwar Pratap."
Bhago was listening to all this Hiding in a corner away from Ajabdeh's notice.

PrAja Love 💞 :Destined To Be Together Pratap💞AjabdehWhere stories live. Discover now