Encounters and Explanations - The Temperamental Quad

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Selene and Olivia embarked on their journey through the labyrinthine corridors of the Mystic Moon Academy, their footsteps finding a harmonious rhythm that matched their budding friendship. The anticipation of the assembly hall loomed before them, where they would receive their official introduction to the new school year.

Their voices danced like a lyrical duet, sharing stories, laughter, and tidbits of their lives. Selene couldn't help but be drawn to Olivia's warmth and easygoing nature. This connection, blossoming amidst the academy's ancient walls, made her feel even more confident about her decision to adopt the identity of "Sophia" for a while.

As they weaved through the bustling hallway, Selene's attention momentarily wandered, leading to an accidental collision with a passing stranger. Although the impact was rather gentle, it was met with an irritated grumble from the person she had bumped into.

"Watch where you're going," he muttered with a tinge of irritation before continuing on his way.

Maintaining her ruse as Sophia, Selene responded with a quick and apologetic smile, all the while feeling her heart race from the unexpected encounter.

Olivia leaned closer to her, her voice a hushed whisper as they resumed walking. "No need to worry too much about Hudson Miller. He's always like that – grumpy and impatient."

Selene, keeping up the pretense that she didn't know, arched an eyebrow in curiosity. "Hudson Miller? Who's he?"

Olivia couldn't suppress a soft chuckle, clearly relishing the opportunity to share some insider knowledge. "Hudson is one of the Quads, the youngest of them. You know, they're the future Alphas of the Full Moon Pack, that famous pack from up north."

Selene nodded in feigned ignorance. "Oh, the Full Moon Pack. They must be quite important."

A mischievous grin played on Olivia's lips as she delved further into the topic. "Absolutely. The Quads have quite the reputation here. Hudson's brothers, Ronan, Connor and Oscar, they're all pretty popular. But Hudson, well, he's got a temper, and he's not one to shy away from expressing it."

As they reached the assembly hall's entrance, Selene couldn't help but feel a wave of relief washing over her. Hudson hadn't recognized her, a stark contrast to the perceptive insight of his older brother, Oscar. The anonymity of her new identity, Sophia, gave her a sense of freedom she hadn't experienced in a long time.

As the duo stepped into the grand assembly hall, the mysteries of the Mystic Moon Academy unfurled before them like an intricate tapestry. Little did Selene know that her encounters with the Quads were far from over, and the secrets of this supernatural world were poised to reveal themselves in ways she could scarcely imagine.

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