Azul- Settle at the Bottom

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A/N: Hello there! Welcome-! This is...this is the first one shot...I have no clue why I chose this one to be the first in out of all I've wrote. I have six so far. Posting one of each character and maybe an extra special fun angsty one!

By the way...this one is slight angst. Have fun!
(Hope you enjoy!)

Settle at the Bottom

  Another day finished, and you had somehow escaped without homework! A miracle within itself; though, you could imagine Trein loading you with it the very next day. But for now, your main objective was to find your boyfriend: Azul Ashengrotto.

  You made your way to Monstro Lounge, a smile spread across your blushing features. You were happy to have the extra time, ready to surprise him with your early appearance.

  Upon entering the VIP room, you could see Jade. He seemed to be rather happy, dusting the shelves of books while humming quietly to himself. It wasn't long before Jade noticed your arrival. He was quick to greet you.

  "Ah, hello there Y/n. Are you in need of something?"

  You shook your head curtly, but disappointment still managed to linger on your face. "I was looking for Azul."

  Understanding flashed through Jade's eyes. His lips curled upward in a slight manor, turning into a faint smirk.

  "Azul left earlier. Floyd and I were able to persuade him into having a rest." Jade paused, and you could nearly hear his silent laughter. "It took a lot of prodding, but he should be at the pool."

  Your eyes lit up from this news, excitement rushing its way through your veins. You were unable to hide it, and you almost caught a hint of knavery from Jade's expression.

  "You should join him. He's alone."

  You did not need this offer, having it been the plan all along. Jade shot an amused expression, but your excitement hid his true intent. You thanked Jade for the information and quickly left, making your way towards the pool room.

  You could barely slow your pace upon seeing the door. The room was rather steamy, this was apparent even from the outside. Before entering, you found yourself peering through the small windows, hoping to see Azul before bursting in. He was nowhere to be found.

  "Azul must be under that water." You thought. You knew he was a merman, much like yourself, but you had never actually seen him switch forms. You couldn't help but daydream about it, imagining all the possibilities of what it may be like.

  Shaking yourself from thought, you slowly opened the door.

  "Azul?" You called, to no answer. The room seemed to be empty, but from the corner of your eye you could see a towel and a book laid across one of the beach chairs. Your eyes then drifted to the object resting in the bottom of the pool. Near the far left corner, on the deeper side, a ceramic container was resting on the tiled flooring. It was rather large comparatively, but it reminded you of a jar or pot.

  Staring at the water was making you restless. Waiting on Azul seemed to be futile, so you chose to jump in. Instantly, you began to change, soon taking the shape of your normal self. It felt good to be in this form again. The water soothed you as it graced your skin.

Octavinelle x Reader One Shots (Twisted Wonderland) Where stories live. Discover now