Jade- On the House

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A/N: Uhhggg- this one is definitely fluff. It's kinda sappy. I don't know if I like it or hate it- but I guess all that matters is if you enjoy it or not...

Here's hoping this one shot doesn't gross out all the Jade fans...or that it's not as bad as I think it is- open to feed back. He's probably the hardest for me to write for-

-On the House-

Mostro lounge was quiet, save for the soft music playing in the background. It was still early enough for studying students to be seated, not so late that friend groups would be meeting. You too were quiet, too focused on your homework to notice anyone else, much less the eel staring at you from across the room.

Every day you came and sat in the same booth. You would order the same drink and share the same company- said company being no one. Every day Jade would find himself unable to take his eyes from you. He enjoyed watching you silently work, and enjoyed even more when he could refill your glass. The small conversations held between you both always seemed to make him smile. It was for this reason he would ensure no one would take your spot. Besides, it held a perfect view from behind the bar.

You continued to flip through the pages of your textbook, slowly underlining and transferring the information onto another sheet of paper. Your focused expression brought Jade to a near blush. He quickly brought out glasses to refill drinks, forcing his gaze from your beautiful form. It was only then the idea struck him.

You huffed in frustration as your pencil broke, the tip now unuseable. You fished into your backpack in attempt to find your sharpener. It was only then you heard a voice from above.

"Is something wrong?"

Jade cleared his throat, looking down upon your hunched body. You quickly looked up, nearly bumping your head on the table.

"N-no. I'm fine." You shuddered out, holding the instrument for which you had been looking. "My pencil broke and I had to find my sharpener."

An amused expression seemed to overtake his features as you spoke. You then realized your usual beverage in his hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry Jade, I didn't order another one." It surprised him that you had rembered his name.

"Ah, you read me wrong. This one is on the house. You're such an adamant patron, it's only right to give you something in return." This you hadn't expected. Nothing in life was free, especially if you were in the Octavinlle dorm.

"What's the catch?" You found yourself staring into his heterochromatic eyes, trying to discern the truth.

Jade's smile nearly faltered, though he was able to keep composure.

"As I stated before, the drink is on me." Words he had not used before.

A small blush crept its way into your face as you realized what he meant. Jade had made the drink specifically for you, paying for it himself.

"That's- thank you, I-" You didn't know what to say.

Jade could tell your cheeks were heated, which made him chuckle ever so softly. How he wanted to tease you for it! But alas, it wasn't his place.

Jade continued to stand, watching your every move. It wasn't long before you placed the cup to your lips, taking a small sip.

Your eyes widened to the taste. It was stronger than usual, but this made the drink almost perfect. The flavors clashed beautifully, causing a smile to slowly creep onto your face.

"This is wonderful!" You exclaimed. In response, Jade shot you a pleased look.

"I'm glad you enjoy it. I made it myself using the utmost care in its preparation."

You couldn't believe this. Jade Leech, vice housewarden for Octavinelle, going out of his way to prepare your favorite beverage without asking for any payment in return? It wasn't possible. It couldn't be. Perhaps you had stumbled into a paradox where Savanaclaw students were instead the ones obsessed with business? You shuddered at the thought, though it was the only logical explanation.

"Would you like anything else?" Jade asked, his smile sincere, not shaded or sadistic. Quite unusual.

"I'm alright, thank you though."

As he departed, you were left with more questions than answers. These actions started to become more of a habit for the moray twin. Every day you would return to your booth, finding it to be reserved. Every day, Jade would bring you snacks and beverages he had made himself, all exclusive and comparatively pricey items from the lounge menu. None of the items you ever had to pay for.

Perhaps a month had passed before his offer changed. Once again, you were sitting in your booth, focusing on a textbook though secretly waiting for Jade to approach. You hoped for him to sit across from you. To have longer conversations than before. Of course, this never seemed to happen. He would leave the gifts and return to his far off staring.

You turned the page, reading the header. "Keys and Magic". The image to the side showed exactly what was stated. A giant key with a crown etched into the blade. You were relieved by the appearance Jade, there to save you from this boring topic.

He smiled down at you, his gloved hands folded in a graceful manner. It was untypical for him not to be holding a tray or notepad, focused on his lounge duties. Instead, a pink envelope was gripped between his fingers. Jade handed it to you, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

You took the letter in your hands, seeing it had a wax seal. In the wax was the letter "L" with what appeared to be an eel wrapped around it. You were careful not to destroy the design, slowly opening the flap.

Inside...was a note. You pulled it out with a little too much haste.

"Would you care to be my lover?"

You quickly looked up to Jade, your face flashing bright red.

"I have had a crush on you for a long while now." He explained. "Was it best for me to act on it?" A small smile played on his lips.

"Yes!" You exclaimed, unable to hide your excitement. "I would love to be your partner!"

This caused Jade's smile to widen. A faint pink dusted his cheeks as well. He was excited, though kept his poise.

"I'm glad." He sounded relieved.

A few moments passed before Jade quietly turned to leave. You bounced from your seat, looking up at the taller male.

"You can't leave without a kiss!"

And so he bent down, pressing his soft lips against yours.

A/N: If I have say Monstro lounge instead of Mostro- call me a stupid Kingdom Hearts fan and tell me to fix it- I usually have to when I go through and edit.

I legit hope this wasn't bad- it's odd writing for Jade- and then I worry that I write all of the ooc- it's a mess, but I'm trying my best here...

Have a free cookie. There was a surplus at some mysterious bake sale Crowley was hosting for some reason. He made them, so take your chances. Chocolate chip, white chocolate macadamia, oatmeal raisin- he covered pretty much all the bases? It'll be fine- I think...

Words: 1233

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