Floyd- Better Than Tuna

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A/N: Fluff!!!! This one is...something. Half a mess, but still kinda fun. Then again, what more should you expect?

Seriously though- hope you enjoy this-

-Better Than Tuna-

You were starving. Famished was a better word. In the stress of completing homework last minute, you had forgotten the importance of nutrition.

Now that the day had finally ended, you found yourself trudging back towards Ramshackle dorm in hope that Grim hadn't eaten all the instant noodles again. What you didn't know was that this journey would prove to be twice as long upon the arrival of everyone's favorite moray twin. Floyd Leech.

You felt arms snake around you from behind, almost causing you to jump as the space between you and him closed. The pressure being placed upon your body was near painful, and the small squeak sounding from your lips caused him to loosen.

"How cute!" Floyd's words were almost a shriek. You looked up to capture his toothy grin, his eyes glinting back at you. "How come Koebi-chain's walking all by themself?"

You took in a deep breath, trying to ignore your half broken ribs. "I'm on my way back to my dorm."

"Well I'm bored-" Floyd complained. "Come do something with me!"

"I actually have a lot of home-" He was quick to cut you off.

"Don't give me that, Koebi-chan. I know good and well you didn't get homework from any of your classes today. Don't try to escape from me." His expression was cold enough to send shivers down your spine. It was quick to melt though, a smile reappearing once again.

You let out a sigh, trying to release yourself from Floyd's grip. "To be honest, I wasn't able to eat much at lunch today, so I really just want to get back to my dorm so I can eat and relax."

Floyd's eyes began to shine, and somehow his smile grew even further.

"Let me join you! I know this nice place with tons of seafood. I go there to get the kind of stuff Azul won't let me have. I'll buy!"

It wasn't much of an offer because you were soon being dragged towards the mirror room. Floyd's height gave him an advantage when weaving (more so pushing) through crowds. It was hard for you to keep up.

Before long, you found yourself before the dark mirror. Floyd stated the location of the restaurant and then hastily pushed you in, almost diving through right after.

"You're gonna hurt yourself like that." You chastised, though he didn't seem to listen. You let out a sigh, grabbing the moray by his wrist and leading him towards the entrance.

A waiter led you both to a booth in the back. Floyd slid in across from you, grabbing a menu.

"I love takoyaki, but maybe I just want a plate of plain raw octopus!" He said with a small laugh.

You stared at your own menu, looking over the many options in which there were to choose. Everything looked amazing, and you couldn't help but salivate at the pictures. Perhaps you were even hungrier than you realized...

Soon, a waiter came to receive your order. He gave a small smile, waiting for Floyd to decide.

"I think I want a plate of shrimp!" He said, pointing at the words on the menu. "Ooh! And can I have dried seaweed too? I want to try it!" You watched the waiter write the order before continuing with your own.

"I want the same."

This caused Floyd's eyes to widen. The eel stopped the waiter right as he began to turn away.

"I change my mind! I think I want crab. No! I want octopus. The small ones. But can I have them raw instead of cooked please?" He paused. "Wait, no! I want-"

"He wants the octopus." You finished. Your glare made a small laugh erupt from Floyd's lips.

As soon as the waiter left, he turned back to you.

"Little shrimpy's eating a plate of shrimp?!" His eyes closed as he began to laugh again, poking your arm from across the table. "That's cannibalism Koebi-chan!"

You couldn't help but release an amused sigh. "And you're getting octopus. No wonder you come here so often." A look of mischief flashed through Floyd's eyes as you said this.

"Azul actually wasn't too bothered by it until I said they could be his kids as a joke- then he forbade me from bringing it to the lounge. Always has to ruin my fun."

You were near speechless, though found yourself laughing a little. This was turning out to be better than you expected. Perhaps Riddle was wrong about the moray after all.

You both continued to converse until your food arrived. It didn't take long to scarf down, and before you knew it, both plates were totally empty. Smiles adorned your faces.

"I'm glad you came with me, Koebi-chan! This wasn't boring at all!"

You smiled back at Floyd, nodding. "I'm glad I did too." You admitted, unable to tear your gaze from him.

"How about you come by Mostro tomorrow? I could get Jade ta make some tea and you could watch me while I work or something!"

"I would like that." You whispered, unable to let your smile fade.

A/N: Honestly- kinda short-

Teaser for you Floyd fans though- I have a pre-written angst I'm sure you're all going to just love! I will post it later on! Mwahahah!

Back to the point- well maybe there was none...anyway, have a good rest of your day! Wish you luck for the future!

Words: 946
(A rather sad amount...)

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