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I sighed as I was sitting in the living room watching the front yard waiting for the Master to get back with Lola Brutus Jr, Eliza and Bella. I froze as I heard Pixie let out a pained cry and looked to see her and Mr whiskers trying to deliver their Kittens. I sighed and Sat down behind Pixie and said I'll handle this you keep pixie calm. I smiled as Mr whiskers nods and went to hold Pixies paw. I sighed and carefully placed All four kittens to feed then smiled as Pixie said thanks Brutus. I smiled and nodded and said your welcome Pixie. I smiled as Mr Whiskers said we have two boys and two girls Pixie. pixie smiled and said Nala, Stella, Simba and Leo. I smiled and said those are great names. I smiled as Mr Whiskers said yes they are. I froze as I caught an unfamiliar scent and growled following it in full Military mission mode. I growled as I spotted Randal and said what are you doing in here. He swallowed and said Brutus I'm sorry to bother you but Lola asked me to come get you. I froze and said what's happened? He swallowed and said she's at the vet getting the pups they're vaccines but One of the pups ran off and she can't find him. I nodded and growled thanks Randal tell Pixie ill be back. I growled as I ran out of the house and sprinted to the vets and froze mid sprint hearing Brutus Jr say dad?? I smiled and said thank heavens your okay. I smiled as he nuzzled me and said I know I shouldn't have run away from mom but those shots hurt. I nodded and said I know believe me. I sighed and said but trust me when I say there are worse things out there. I sighed as I said Brutus please promise me you won't run away from mom again. I smiled as he nodded and said okay dad I promise. I smiled and said good now let's get you back to your mom she must be worried sick. I smiled as I walked him back to where Lola was sitting waiting. I smiled as she hugged him and said thank heavens your safe. I smiled and said Lola BJ has promised to stay with you from now on. I smiled as she hugged me and said that's good but I think he should also promise to mind his father. I smiled as I looked down at my pups as they said we promise. I smiled and froze as I caught the same unfamiliar scent and growled Lola go inside. I frowned as I started sniffing following the scent and froze as I saw a suspicious package and looked up to see master standing with his back to me. I growled as I let out my warning bark and smiled as master turned around and froze seeing me alerting to the package. I smiled as he said Brutus search. I nodded and sniffed it cautious and carefully opened it revealing an explosive. I froze mid flashback. I growled as master went to pick me up. I sighed as I heard him say Brutus we need to go. I growled and sat down refusing to move. I smiled as I heard sirens and smiled as a Police officer came running over and said don't touch him he's doing his job. I smiled as he pulled out his body radio and said dispatch I need the bomb squad stat. I frowned as I looked around and snarled as I spotted the man responsible for the explosive and growled launching myself at him and growled as I pinned him to the ground and growled. I smiled as he froze and said get this crazy mutt off me! I chuckled as the police officer detained him and growled biting him as he tried to kick me. I smiled as he yelled out in pain and let go walking back to Lola and smiled as master scratched my ears and said good boy Brutus. I smiled as my pups said daddy how did you learn to do that? I sighed and said I'll tell you when you're older. 

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