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I sighed as I was awoken by my pups excitedly tugging on me ear while calling fpr me to wake up cause momma wants to go out as a family. I smiled and yawned stretching being careful not to reinjure my GSW and said alright lets go. I chuckled as we walked out and froze shifting seeing Lola arguing with a strange dog. I frowned as I walked up and growled you got a problem with my mate stranger. I frowned as he shook his head and said not at all i was merely trying to get some information on a search and rescue case I'm working on and she jumped to the conclusion i was up to no good. I nodded and said okay what Information due you need? Perhaps i can be of assistance after all I'm a trained MWD. He froze and said wait your Brutus right? i nodded and said that's right why I am how did you know? I froze as he shifted and said my handler told me to find a retired MWD named Brutus and give him this. i froze as he carefully lifted a familiar looking hiking backpack and growled as i caught the sent of my teammate and said how did you come by this? he shifted and said my master found it  on a trail after we were called into locate a missing hiker. I growled tore off my bandages and bolted saying show me were. i smiled as he jogged along beside me and said this way leading me out of town and into the woods.  i frowned as we arrived at a campsite and froze as i caught an all to familiar scent and said he went this way running deeper into the woods and frowned as i found a rock slide and growled he behind her i can smell him. i frowned and looked  around and smiled spotting a military LEO and howled digging franticly at the lose rock. i smiled as the LEO recognized me and callled over here we've found him!! I smiled as a team of LEO'S and rescue personnel began moving rocks and smiled as we dashed into the cave and stared barking guiding the rescue team to my fallen teammate, i smiled as he scratched my ears and said i knew you'd find me good boy Brutus. i frowned and whined as i licked his fingers and smiled as he wrapped his arm around me and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead. I smiled as the rescue team carried him out and smiled as he said you'd better get on home boy your owner must be worried sick.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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