Snowy's (short) Adventure

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"Out!" screamed her owner when she returned through the cat flap. This became a more often occurrence since the 7. December, but how did it come to this? She had been brought to her owners when she was still a kitten, and at first, she had been pampered and spoiled to the brim. After, some time, when she was about 5 months old, things started to change. First, she had not really noticed it, but her owners had become more and more unavailable. The old grey-haired lady with some wrinkles she had thought of as a trustworthy person had started giving her less than she thought. Later, after another month or so, the cuddles lessened along with the new toys. Thirdly, after more time passed, and she had been there for almost a year, she had been mistreated. This was not the occasional hard part, no. She was kicked out of the house more and more often and was just not welcome any more.

Snowy had enough. She didn't, couldn't deal with this any more, live like this any more. She had an idea, to visit her friends. On her way, she found that her paws carried her unconsciously. First, she was carried to her friend Bill the Duck. Living in the wild he told about the wild cats coming around from time to time they lived in the woods, completely without humans. She wanted in. After thanking Bill profusely, she set off to find them. While padding through the woods for a while, her paws ached terribly. Her trek had taken her over sticks and stones, she was exhausted and could barely find a place before collapsing. Out like a light.

Snowy was startled awake by the scent of another cat. She opened her eyes to see a grey and another white cat in front of her. "Who are you?", she said in a sleepy voice, half dreaming. The grey cat spoke, "We came from the gingerbread house in the forest, but, the real question is, who are you?" He had a deep meow she thought she could remember. "Snowy, that's who I am, I think? My owner kicked me out, I learned about you from a friend and was on a search. I had been walking along for so long, which is why I slept. I'm sorry?" When mentioning her owner her voice quivered which did not go unnoticed by her interrogators. Reflecting for a moment, the white cat spoke, sure to keep her voice soothing, "It's alright dear, we won't pry if you don't want to tell, but come and stay with us at the gingerbread house. Our and, if you want, your home." After a moment of silence, in which Snowy couldn't believe her ears, came an ear-splitting screech. "YES!" And the small cat started bouncing excitedly. The three cats made their way to the gingerbread house, toward safety. At least that is what I've been told. Who knows, they were never seen again.

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