chapter 3

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"Ma'am we got he results in for the DNA test," shit I don't think i'm ready for this shit"give it to me doc," wait did I just call him doc "fist of all i'm not a doctor i'm a cop and second the results are

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"Ma'am we got he results in for the DNA test," shit I don't think i'm ready for this shit"give it to me doc," wait did I just call him doc "fist of all i'm not a doctor i'm a cop and second the results are the kid of Marco Russo and Athena Russo and sister to their 6 sons,"

'haha luck just ain't on your side in life is it'

seriously Bella shut the fuck up honestly. But sadly you are right life ain't on my side but I think I might have a plan wait why am I talking to myself right now thats just stupid.

but I know one thing for sure I will not be going anywhere with them even if I die trying to make this work. I'll go to the Russians do anything but go anywhere with them the stupid Italian mafia.

So i'm gonna do what I do best hide and kill they wont know what hit them and their stupid mafia.

Plus i'll even send my own mafia after them even tho we leave each other alone i'll do what I have to for revenge.



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POV Lorenzo

I cant wait to see my sorella again and I know the others also can't wait to see her. But i'm still wondering how she ended up in London.

I know our family is gonna be whole again I can just feel it and when I saw that picture of her I knew she was my baby sis  she looked just like Rocco I cant wait for the double Rs to be back they were the best duo but after she was taken  Rocco hasn't been the same sense.I'm hoping she will bring back this family even after all these years I hope she will recognize us.

Right now we are all just standing outside of the police station.

" Are we gonna go in or... just stand here staring at the doors," bro Matheo has no filter sometimes I swear to god " yea come on you guys lets go in," replies dad and we all start walking perfect with each other so it looks like were in a edit.

Once we get in we walk straight (not like me jkjk) towards the counter and is met with this old lady in a red coat why is it always a red coat.

"Hello we are here to get my daughter Riley Russo," dad says quick and you can practically hear the excitement in his voice.

"Ah your the family say she is just over there I just need you and you to sign these then she's all yours," she's pointing in a corner then at my mom and dad but my eyes don't leave where my sis and this old man are talking and next thing you kno-


Then she storms over to the doors and i'm quick to move in front of them straight with the others blocking her way out.Theirs know way i'm letting her leave without me we just got her back we can't let her go yet all to easily.

She's glaring at me no scratch that all of us and then she walks back over to a desk picks up a chair and proceeds to throw it at us.But not only that but everything else while yelling.


"No Riley I wont hand you my gun also thats your family that is blocking the door.,"whatever her name is says while chewing on her gum.

finally she calms down and actually takes a look at us but is still glaring and once her eyes land on me they stay for a bit with that ice cold glare I swear I got chills then moves on to the next brother she's scowling but at the same time smiling and says in this fake sweet voice "6 brothers I have 6 brothers are you kidding me how am I gonna get a bf now,"

Now its our time to scowl at the thought of our sorellina (baby sis) having a bf when mom and dad finally come over mom runs straight to Riley and hugs her and Riley hugs her back I can tell that she's a huger already.

When mom lets go and dad come up and hugs her she a bit more tense and hesitates to hug him back but after awhile she does hmm weird.Maybe I was wrong and she's not a huger for everyone and I swear I saw her flinch.

she's so hiding something and i'm gonna figure it out if its the last thing I do I promise

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hey bananas how has yawls day been mines been great i think this is the longest chapter I've wrote and its got 2 Povs. I promise they will get longer in the future and thanks for reading my book byeee

P.S :pls comment also my tiktok is: i_am_sup3r_h0t byeeeee 🍌

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