Chapter 12

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Third person

As the new family ate happily they all failed to notice the gaze of not one person but 12

The Anderson

Specifically Andrew Anderson

The one who broke Riley's heart but now he wants her back and his family is gonna help him...

While Riley's gaze was filled with lust to this fine waiter his was filled with hatred,jealousy, envy

He wanted her to look at him that way the way she used to

"ANDREW" his mother yelled and his attention was moved from his love to his mother "you need to stop staring at her or she's gonna notice"

His little brother spoke up next "I have to admit dude she has gotten way prettier and if our theory is true also stronger"

Andrew glared at his brother even tho he knew he just saw her as a sister

"Woah woah their big bro need to chill you know he dosent see her like that" says his baby sis

" I know I know but god do I want to kill that waiter"Andrew says with a defensive tone

"Don't worry son she'll be yours again in no time just give it time"Mr Anderson said although his parents didn't like how Andrew was acting towards Riley they knew even if they told him to stop it wouldn't work so they just had to guide him the right way.


is it weird I feel like someone's watching me it's been like this since I've entered this restaurant and it's kinda freaking me out.

We all finished eating and made our way back home where I found out that they can only stay for a couple days before they have to go the said it's because of their business

So I'm guessing it has something to do with the mafia

But I have a goal tonight I'm gonna stab Rocco because I wanna get close to my family cause they seem nice and I really am love deprived.

But I like to keep my promises so I'm gonna stab Rocco and act like family with all of them but Rocco because well I'm gonna make him work for my forgiveness

So it currently 3am and I'm right now in Rocco's room with a knife in my hand


And I stabbed him don't worry it was just in the arm so he'll feel it but it won't kill him.


"Shut up u might wake someone up"

"Why the fuck did u stab me Riley"

"For revenge" I said while my eyes got glossy "Ik it was you that night you killed her my best friends"

"What I didn't-"

What I didn't know was that my whole family was now around us tired some with looks of pity

It better be for this murder because I don't want or need their pity

So I stab him again this time closer to the heart and that's when my 'family' decides to do something I feel something prickly on my neck

Then it all went dark

Rocco Russo POV

Idk who she's talking about I mean I have killed a lot of people yk

But it does kinda hurt knowing my own sister wanted me dead

The doctors of the family start helping me with the wounds and I can't help but think about how such a horrible person I am if I can't even remember who I killed that was so important to my baby sis. Would she ever act like that if it was me

god I really am a monster

"You okay Rocco"Lorenzo asks it was only close family that was still in the room as my mom had shoo the rest away

"It hurts" I say but it's not the wounds that hurt it's my heart how I have done this to my baby sis

"What how could that hurt you-" "ADRIAN"

"It's okay baby" my mom says getting into mama bear mode

She's shushing me to sleep and I can't help but give in as I fall asleep I can't help but overthink

What happened to my innocent baby?

Does she really hate me that much to kill me?

Are we never gonna be the same again?

Why couldn't it have been someone else she had this hatred for?

It's all so confusing I just want my baby to not hate me so I'm gonna try, try for her to be a better person I'm no longer gonna kill people unless I absolutely need to im not gonna be the monster in the family anymore

If only he new the true monster in the family was you...

Hey's been awhile okay I may have kinda sorta forgot about this story😭 I will try to update way more this time I will actually try! SORRY ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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