Chapter two

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In high school, everyone's lockers are different. For instance, there are the jocks, who make their lockers all about their sport, the popular kids, who fill them up with thousands of pieces of paper with numbers of girls they'll never call written on them, the queen bees, who only seem to care about their appearance, and the drama kids, who mostly hang pictures of movies, tv shows, anything remotely related to drama.

Abby's locker was different as well, but in a more particular way. It was anonymous, you could only know it belonged to her by the small name embodied on it. Even inside, there were books, notebooks, pens, her swimming gear, but nothing that could imply she was the owner of that spot. There were only two pictures inside: one of her when she was about two years old, at her first swimming lesson, and one that portrayed her and her parents after her first meet – which she had obviously won.

No one had ever seen the inside of her locker, and she worked really hard to keep it a secret, away from everyone's eyes. She had never felt the need to show everyone those little parts of her life that she considered sacred and very private, such as her life when she was still the daughter of a happy marriage, and didn't intend starting that Tuesday morning.

"Hey Brooks, how you doing?" a dark-haired girl smiled at Abby, leaning against the lockers with her arms crossed on her chest and a curious expression on her face.

"Hey Charles," Abby hinted at a smile. "How are you today?"

"You didn't answer my question, love."

"I'm fine."

"Even after yesterday's fortnightly visit to Mrs. Lingerman?"

"Not the first time it happens. I got used to it. I'm basically seeing her more than my mother."

"By the way, I'm fine, and I'm officially inviting you to a party this Friday."

"You know I'd love to come, but I'm in the gym this Friday afternoon," she replied, with the most sarcastic tone she could get out of her voice.

Charlie puffed, and a disappointed expression formed on her face.

Abigail and Charlie had been best friends since their first year of high school, despite their differences and such. Abby was very sports-driven, and since her parents' divorce she had closed herself to the outside world even more; Charlie, on the other hand, was the life of the party, she had many friends, she went on dates very often with all kinds of people, and didn't really get Abby's need to always be the best at swimming. Though she didn't understand it, she was always very supportive of her, and she could always be found cheering for her bestie at every meet, always considering Abby her best friend even amongst the billions of people she talked to every day.

"At least I tried," sighed Charlie, pushing herself away from the lockers.

"And for that I'm very very thankful," the other chuckled amusingly.

The chitchat didn't last long, as the big douche Robbie Wilson stopped by and started peeking into Abby's locker, probably trying to find another reason to get on her nerves.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" snapped Abigail, slamming the locker right in front of Robbie's face, missing his nose by just a few inches.

"Trying to see what you're hiding there, ice queen."

"None of your damn business."

"Why? Is it drugs? Dildos? Vibrators?" he smirked.

"I won't repeat it again, it's none of your fucking business. Go away before I break your nose as well."

"I doubt you will, or your precious spot in the swimming team will be gone... or am I wrong?"

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