Chapter two

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The first week of work hit Abigail like a train at full speed, as she was constantly tired and sleepy, even when she was home with her fiancée. After that first week, though, she started adjusting to her new lifestyle, and by the end of the second one she felt very fulfilled and relieved, instead of grumpy and annoyed by everything.

"Hey Abigail," smiled at her Mrs. Lorne, knocking on the door of her classroom.

"Good morning, Marta," she greeted her, taking her eyes off the book she had in front of her. "How can I help you?"

"Us teachers wanted to do something for you and Renée, since you've just joined the team, and were thinking about a brunch together this Friday. Are you in?"

"Oh guys, that's so thoughtful! I'd be happy to come."

"Great. I'll let them know," she smiled, leaving the room.

Pleased to have been received with such kindness from the teachers, Abby closed the door behind herself and walked out of the classroom. She had the second period free every Monday, just as Melissa, and it wasn't unusual for them to hang out.

"Hi, am I interrupting something?" she asked, peeking in Melissa's classroom.

"Not at all, come in," smiled Melissa. "How are you? Still exhausted?"

"No, I think I've adapted. Are you going to brunch with the others this Friday?"

"I was thinking about maybe skipping it..." she muttered, with a very low voice. "I know it's to celebrate you and Renée, but I don't think I'll be able to make it."


"Because I don't want to."

Abby rolled her eyes and stared back at her friend expecting a more complete answer, but the other teacher just stayed quiet and engaged in a staring competition, which she won thanks to Abigail's lack of patience, that made her roll her eyes in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, I just don't like being too much around people, especially them. I feel like they pity me every time we get together because even though I'm in my forties I'm single! I'd like to actually enjoy my weekend this time and avoid feeling judged."

"But Mel, if you never interact with them how will they know the true you, like you let me? If you keep staying in your bubble, they'll never stop associating you with being single, because it's the only thing they know about you!" exclaimed Abby, leaning onto the desk on her elbows, with the eyes of a fawn and the begging smile of a child.

"Did they also teach you how to persuade people in college?" Melissa scoffed, letting herself fall onto the chair.

"Why, didn't you have to attend this lecture twenty years ago?"

"Ouch!" frowned the older teacher. "That hurt!"

"So, will you please come to celebrate me?"

"I hate you."

"You love me," gloated the young adult.

Melissa chuckled, but deep down wished that Abby knew how close she was to saying the truth.

"We're so glad you could make it as well!" exclaimed Marta at the unexpected sight of Melissa on her front porch.

She owned a very nice house with a big patio and back garden, that was spacious enough to fit almost all the teachers.

Abby had a pie in her hand, which she had amazingly cooked herself, while Melissa was awkwardly holding a bottle of sparkling white wine.

THE TEACHEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora