Chapter eight

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Pyto was begging to be caressed, rubbing himself against Abby's legs and meowing to get her attention; eventually she gave in and knelt down, petting him all over his back as he loudly purred.

"Good morning," said a voice behind her.

Leaning on the doorframe of the bedroom was Melissa, who was staring down at Abigail with her big, gorgeous eyes and only a white oversized t-shirt covering her very sexy naked body.

"When I woke up and you weren't next to me, I thought I'd scared you with last night's little show," she admitted, looking at her feet.

"You could never," the other said softly, getting closer and leaving a kiss on her lips. "So, today's Saturday, and I thought I might go grab my stuff from the house."

"Sure, whatever you want. Are you sure that Dale won't be there?"

"He works on Saturday mornings."

With the certainty of not having Dale around, Abigail and Melissa got dressed and drove to her former house. Everything was still the way she had seen it last, the entire house seemed untouched. She quickly walked to the bedroom and started packing all her stuff, while Melissa peeked in every room.

"I think I'm done," sighed Abigail, reappearing in the hallway with two giant suitcases next to her. "I'm sorry it had to end like this."

"I'm not," the other woman shrugged her shoulders. "He was a dick, and yes, you almost cheated on him, but 'almost' is not good enough to beat you up the way he did."

"I guess you're right. Let's just hope he doesn't come back to torment me again."

"They are about to issue a restraining order, you're gonna be alright. He's just lucky that everything that's happened will stay between the two of you and you won't make this public, or his reputation and career would be over... although I'd love to see his ass get kicked, for all I care."

With the help of her girlfriend, Abigail took all her stuff back to her new home, where she was told repeatedly to make herself comfortable.

"What are we gonna do with school? We're still colleagues," shyly asked Abigail.

"We're not gonna be obvious about it, but we're not gonna pretend to hate each other. Let's just keep our hands to ourselves while we're in public, and everything will be okay," Melissa reassured her.

She gave her girlfriend a soft kiss on the head, then headed to the kitchen to cook something and maybe cheer up a very worried Abigail.

Once the other teachers figured out that Abigail was no longer with her fiancée, suspicions raised everywhere that something might have happened between her and Melissa. Showing up to work together every morning, exiting the same care, certainly didn't help their cause, and only spread the rumors amongst colleagues.

"I think that Marta knows something," Abigail carefully whispered at Melissa, when walking past her in the hallways.

"She's not the only one. Just keep your cool and play dumb. I'll see you in an hour?" smiled Melissa, hinting at their second hour spent together in one of their classrooms.


Mrs. Lingerman appeared in the hallway, and they knew that they needed to separate: if she heard of the rumors going around she would have investigated herself, which was the last thing they wanted. They just desired to finally have some peace and calm, and live their life as a couple once and for all.

October was slowly coming to an end, and with it great moments that seemed recent had become memories of the past: Melissa's birthday, their amazing dates, their nights spent talking in bed were all in the past; as the trees were left without leaves, time seemed to be speeding up.

Being secretive around each other, trying to reprime their love, wasn't always easy, and was making them hate going to work: not being able to be around each other as much as they wanted really killed their passion for the job.

As usual, Abigail was walking towards the dining hall to eat her lunch, when something – or rather someone – grabbed her arm and pulled her around the corner of one of the hallways.

"Hi," softly smiled Melissa, placing a gentle kiss on Abigail's lips. "How was your day?"

"Good..." muttered Abby, taken by surprise by Melissa's sudden affection towards her. "What happened to being careful here in school?"

"I'm still in... just not right now. Right now all I need is a kiss from your very gorgeous lips, alright?"

"Your wish is my command," said Abby, leaving a quick peck on her girlfriend's lips.

"Okay, now I guess we go back to being friends," abruptly sighed Melissa. "I'll wait for you outside school as usual."

Abigail's job since she had moved in with Melissa had been buying coffee for the both of them. She would walk to the coffee shop at the nearest corner, and order herself a mocha latte, and for Mel a cappuccino with a spoon table of sugar in it. After her walk, she would come back home and they would work in silence next to each other for hours, just glad to be in each other presence as if they weren't living together already.

That day she did the same: she bought their cups of coffee and headed back home, with her heart torn between being careful and not minding at all about if someone found out about her and Melissa.

"I've brought coffee!" she exclaimed, walking in the apartment greeted by Pyto.

"Thanks, love," smiled Melissa, grabbing her cup. "I've got to prepare a test for tomorrow."

"I'm surprised you haven't done it already," chuckled Abby. "What happened to miss 'always early' I knew in high school?"

"She graduated and became miss 'chillax' around the time you left," the other answered.

Before she could go back to her unassigned usual spot at the table, Abigail jumped in front of her and started kissing her lips, holding her tightly around her waist, not wanting to let her go for a moment.

"What'd you do?" chuckled Melissa, taking a sip of her drink. "Is the police after you?"

"I fell for a woman that's twenty years older than me," she answered. "That's the only crime I've committed, officer."

"Then we probably should do something about it," the other winked. "Because you also got my order wrong."


"This is a black coffee, not the usual cappuccino. You are in great trouble, miss."

Without missing a beat, Melissa grabbed Abigail's wrist and led her to their bedroom, gently pushing her on the bed.

"But officer, maybe there is a way I could make you forget about this little misunderstanding..." winked Abigail.

She got to the center of the room, and seductively started undressing herself under her girlfriend's amused eyes. 

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