Chapter Three

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Bonnie and Klaus stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, no sound being made in the vast structure that he had made his home these last few months. It almost seemed as if time itself had taken a temporary leave from both of them; suspending things uncomfortably.

Flashes of emotions flickered across his eyes, but Bonnie was certain, he was holding onto the one that he was most accustomed with- anger.

So when he finally spoke again, with dulcet calmness and soft, almost whisper like murmuring, it had sent chills down her spine in surprise, as ripples of goose bumps erupted, like a tickle in their wake; conveying oddly a false sense of security.

"I have been an unnatural being for over a thousand years darling, so please explain to me why," he speeded around the desk to kneel in front of her lap, "you believe that I have sired a child within your womb, when we both know," his hand reached out to caress her abdomen, making her heart speed up and her breathing hitch, "this simply cannot be possible."

She felt a tightening and all too familiar ache start to blossom from his touch, but was able to maintain steadiness in her voice as she answered. "I have yet to investigate the mechanics, but I think it has something to do with the fact you're not just a vampire."

Klaus searched her face, still rubbing small circles across her tummy, looking for falseness- expecting it.

Bonnie didn't flinch, she met his gaze bravely. "And then there is the simple fact, whether you believe me or not, that I have been with no-one else in that way, for months…there's been only you."

A tear escaped the confines of her eye to plop down to her cheek. "I know this is crazy." She looked away from him then, but Klaus wasn't tolerating it, he placed a finger from his other hand, the one not currently driving Bonnie hormonally insane, under her chin; guiding her face back to his.

He looked like he wanted to kiss her- comfort her, as strange as the thought seemed. But instead, his lips hovered, and then; Bonnie righted herself up from the shock. Klaus had speeded back behind his desk to resume his packing in a most cavalier way.

"Well love, I assume you've decided to terminate the pregnancy then. Seeing as… it is mine." He was the one avoiding eye contact now. "Come to rub it in and devastate me," his bitterness was unmistakable, "how sweet of you."

Klaus stopped and shot her a glare. "Now go run along," Bonnie felt frozen in place, a different type of nausea building, the kind that stems from the loss of someone you care about.

"Go on- shoo," he flicked a wrist and hand at her general direction, "go tell all your friends how hurt and pathetic I was over it; oh, that's right, you can't…your friends are in the clutches of my mother's minion," his shrug conveyed disinterest, "consider me informed..."

She thought she'd heard him mutter something or other about not listening to his sister.

Bonnie swiped at her eyes; completely furious. She shot up from her seat and rushed to the front of his desk, picking up the first thing she could (a small tiffany lamp) and hurled it. Klaus ducked of course out of reflex, but his pretense of uncaring wavered briefly, his eyes widening as a small smile formed his lips of their own accord; the antique shattered through the large window behind him, but neither really noticed.

"You bastard!"

He grinned. "Actually you're right on that one witch; my real father wasn't married to my mum when she shagged him."

Bonnie let loose a scream and grabbed something else (a red glass paper weight) and pitched it. He dodged the blow- again; the object impacted against an original Monet painting on the wall, making it drop to the floor.

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