Chapter Seven

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The airport was a bustling bazar of shuffling people.

Klaus had immediately left them, promising to "only be a moment", needing to make contact with his people, whoever they were, and had given Bekah a pointed look as he kissed Bonnie on the temple. His sister sighed and nodded at the silent and unspoken expectation, (like she would let anything happen to her new best friend or nephew- blood and guts she vowed).

Bekah rolled her eyes with a huff, hating that no-one ever had any faith in her, and steered the wide eyed young girl towards a vehicle loading dock.

The overwhelmed witch absentmindedly took ahold of Rebekah's hand, not wanting to get lost within the sea of loud sounds and bright colors, as both men and women, vied for monetary attention, trying to sell wares, excursions, tours, and themselves; in any way they could.

Their screamed "hey, pretty ladies" and "best Conch shells and straw bags", blended in with all the sounds of Calypso steel drums and buzzing conversation, causing sensory overload.

Rebekah went to poke fun of her at first, but decided against it, as the gesture felt oddly nice, so, instead she just shook her head while clucking a bit, "Haven't been out of Mystic Falls much, have you?"

They stood on the curb watching people mill around as they waited, all of the Original's baggage being loaded onto a large hotel van that read Atlantis.

"Um, does Disney count?" Bonnie said in mock seriousness, nervously joking.

Rebekah knew she was just compensating for being out of her element and hugged her quickly. "It's ok, really-" the blonde assured, "you should have seen me the first time I went to Japan."

"Wow…" Bonnie awed, liking the distraction of Bekah's proper English accent, "I've always wanted to go there."

"Then we'll take you."

"Really, just like that?"

Rebekah pretended to be annoyed. "When is it going to sink in to that gorgeous little head of yours," she put a hand on her hip and tapped her foot comically in exaggerated irritation, "you are a part of the fold now, our fold- so yes, any want, need, or desire that you could possibly dream up or imagine, will always be met and satisfied. I expect nothing less, so why should you?"

Bonnie didn't really have a response to that. She looked down at the sand strewn concrete and felt all emotional again- damn hormones.

"Nobody's ever been like that with me before," she mumbled softly, "it's always been about someone else, and what they needed or wanted- I guess I've just resigned myself to not being top priority."

Rage consumed Bekah, because she knew exactly who that "someone" else was. But, before she could scathingly go off about stupid doppelgängers and unworthy bumpkin vampires in Virginia; Klaus had returned.

"We're all set to meet with Damaris tonight," he informed his sister, and then turned to include Bonnie, "don't worry love, you'll have plenty of time to do some shopping and have a bit of pampering. I imagine you'd like a nice bath, hot stone massage, facial..."

"Oh my God, you two are acting like I'm some sort of Lady of the Manor." She exclaimed, cutting him off; her face going all beet red.

He was confused and shared a look with Bekah.

She pursed her lips at him and they had another telepathic like exchange, in which Klaus also had an angry reaction to.

"Get used to it."

"I don't mean to sound ungrateful…" Bonnie started, afraid she'd hurt his feelings again for the crime of simply being thoughtful.

He shook his head to convey misunderstanding. "No sweetheart, I'm not vexed with the notion that you're not accustomed to being taken care of," Klaus tried to gently explain, caressing a finger over her cheek, giving her spine chills, "what upsets me, and makes me want to rip out the hearts of all that have hurt you- is the fact that you don't think you deserve it."

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