chapter six

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She had no idea how long both Klaus and Rebekah had ignored her, leaving her to feel like a leper. But sitting in the posh cab of the plane all by her lonesome, gave her a lot of time to reflect.

Bonnie eyed the tray of food that Klaus had so thoughtfully made for her, grabbing a piece of honeydew, while thinking about the ways he had stepped up to the plate after finding out about her condition.

It seemed so out of character for Klaus to be acting this way. He was being thoughtful, protective, and dare she say, affectionate even, with all these gestures. She internally laughed at the bottle of champagne though. It was a bit clueless of him, seeing as she couldn't drink alcohol, but maybe women in his time did, and that's why he didn't know any better.

Was it possible then, that he really didn't care about Caroline anymore- or was that just bravado, with a scheme in the works to save the former cheer caption's day anyway?

The concept of binding was nothing to be taken lightly, and after seeing that look in his eyes, at first, before she'd gone all bitchy- hurting his feelings; had been real. Klaus had wanted this. He had really wanted to be tied to her.

Bonnie then felt the biggest guilt ever. Her friends were in the middle of a psycho's evil schemes and here she was worrying over the intentions of a man.

Yes, to her he was a man. A complex one no doubt, with a past history to rival any villain- yet she sensed there was something more. At times he let it show, and at those times, those qualities contradicted his hardness.

The reality of his werewolf genes or mother made vampirism didn't change the core of his identity. They were merely descriptive elements, dressing up the soul he kept hidden.

And yes, she felt he had one of those too.

Her mood swings were going to take some getting used to. One minute, she felt anxiety and outrage, the next, all insecure and needy. She wanted to hurt him for taking away her choice, but then she also wanted to sigh; climb into his lap and let him hold her.

Bonnie was torn.

Her mind wandered, imagining a perfect world, where Klaus wasn't the bad guy, and she wasn't heiress to a long line of powerful witches. A place in her heart where she could fall in love him, a place where it might even be possible for him to do the same; because if it was one thing they had in common- it was the ever present nagging emptiness of always being last in the line of people's affections.

They both had "mommy" issues, with Abby abandoning her, and Esther, well, trying to kill him. They both had those in their inner circle who used them.

His siblings could be mad at him all they wanted for storing them in coffins, but to face the truth of it, Klaus had protected them from Mikael. And they all manipulated him for it, knowing he just wanted to be accepted; betraying his trust time and again (even if at times he had deserved it). Rebekah seemed to be the only one who was truly loyal to him. But then again, the girl must have her own agenda too.

Bonnie's head was starting to hurt with all the circles her mind was running in. She put the half eaten slice of fruit down on the table and rubbed at her temples.

She looked around for her purse and couldn't spot it anywhere. Damn.

Klaus must've left it back at his house when he had whisked them off and away from Damon and Stefan. So, that meant her phone, toiletries, and Excedrin weren't with her.

The pain and throbbing only intensified with her disappointment, as her vision started to warp and swirl. Migraine headaches had plagued her since she was a small child, and had only gotten worse when her powers had activated. She needed something to ease it back before it went full blown- desperation for relief gripped ahold of her, making her stand up to go pound on the cockpit door.

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