Chapter Eight

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He freaking read my mind." Bonnie insisted, refusing to calm down.

She was pacing in front of the huge camel hair sofa in the living quarters of the massive suite where Rebekah was seated calmly- too calm in her opinion.

Klaus had left with the other men to start putting things in order. He had practically made out with her in front of them, promising his girls (yes, he's actually said that) some beach time tomorrow, and reminding her to get to bed early; having seen the exhaust in her face after such strong magic conjuring. The pride in his stare, as he'd even mumbled a small goodbye towards her stomach- had been staggering.

"I mean, I knew- kind of, that this was possible, but shit Bekah, it's a little different when it actually happens."

Her new friend tried to refrain from the massive urge she had to roll her eyes. "Listen, I get it," she soothed, "you don't want my brother knowing all those mushy, girly, and naughty thoughts…"

"Oh please," Bonnie said with a foot stomp, "don't patronize me."

"Ok fine, I won't," the vampire girl conceded," so, get the hell over it already."

Bonnie's eyes widened up in offense and Bekah couldn't help, but shake her head in exasperation and chuckle.

"Look, my brother is hardly going to be exactly thrilled once it sinks in either," she said flicking her index finger up in her lap, "for one he's probably fantasizing about you constantly," next came her middle finger, "two, it'll be hard to lie- about anything now," then her ring finger, "three, he finds it hard to trust people, and now he'll have no choice, because it's not like he can kill you," lastly went the pinky, "And four," Bekah shrugged, "well, I think the first three are enough, don't you?"

"Oh, this a disaster," Bonnie wailed, plopping down next to her, and wanting to pull out her hair, "what if I think something I don't mean, like I hate you, when I'm really just mad?"

"Niklaus isn't an idiot Bon, he's been around a long time, and knows the ways of women. I can't even tell you how many times I have said just that- to his face. And here we are, still thick as thieves." Rebekah put an arm around her, and Bonnie rested her head on her shoulder. "But, that's not what has you up in arms though…you don't want him to know just yet, how much you feel the opposite- am I right?"

When the witch didn't reply, and only started to shake her head yes with a new crying fit; Bekah hugged the girl more tightly and went to consoling her with shushes and coos. Tears were soaking into one of the vampire's new outfits, an emerald satin and black lace party dress, and Rebekah was surprised that she didn't care in the least.

"C'mon, enough of that," she scolded gently, "You're of stronger stock than this, and you know it. We'll handle whatever comes about, well- together, okay?"

Bonnie nodded again into the crook of her arm again and sniffled. "Okay."

"That's my good girl," Bekah praised, disentangling them, and pulling Bonnie up and off the sofa with her, "now, let's order room service and see what's on the telly- believe me, Nik will pluck out all of my fingernails if I don't at least feed you and see you off to the Land of Nod."

Bonnie instantly felt bad. "I thought you were going out to one of the clubs?"

"That was before; when I thought you'd be all snuggled up with my brother and trying to fight off his advances," she imitated Klaus's deep voice with a lecherous grin and an eyebrow wiggle (Saucy Witch), Bonnie laughed in spite of herself, "no worries," Bekah went on, joining in on the giggles, "there will be other nights, other times- I wouldn't dream of leaving you alone unguarded."

So, that's exactly what they did. While Bonnie took a nice long bath, Rebekah ordered them some food, and changed into pajamas. They both were in white frilly little smocks with matching boy shorts when the pizza, nachos, and jumbo shrimp cocktail arrived. The big debate, other than Bekah compelling the delivery boy to offer up his carotid (which didn't bother Bonnie as much as she felt it should have), was on which movie to watch.

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