(2) Rooftop/News/Piano

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June 15, Day 4 of trying to buy a forest

I think I was on the rooftop. 

Writing in my journal.

About who I wanted to be. 

Where I wanted to be.

It definitely wasn't here.

Everyone knows about me and my dreams. 

I lose them faster than I gain them.

June 17, Day 6 of trying to buy a forest

I couldn't tell you what I was thinking. 

I was struggling to breathe so they shoved a tube down my throat. What were they thinking? 

"You're awake!" I stared into the young doctor's eyes as she checked my vitals, she spoke words I couldn't hear, but one sentence stuck out to me. "You have one visitor, she says her name is Lila." I don't know if I was disappointed, or it was just me being jealous that others have it better than me. But, I know that's not true, many have it worse, way worse. I was trying to speak but the tube stopped me. "I'll remove that and let the guest come in." She quickly went up to me and removed the painful tube as I choked. I had a sore throat.

The doctor opened the door and Lila came rushing in. "I told you not too! You agreed to listen to me!" I smiled at her. "It was an accident!" I started coughing. "You need help..." She seemed so worried. "I'm fine," I started coughing more and more, "you know i'm fine." 

She sighed. "You can't be fine with your condition." My smile loosened up. "I'm fine! We don't even know what I have." The doctor came in and looked me dead in the eyes, I was unsure if there was sadness in her voice. "We need to talk alone." I looked right back at her and gestured for Lila to wait outside.

After finally getting her outside of the room, the doctor seemed disappointed. "After you passed out and fell, I did some research and found out about your 'condition' and it seems like.."

I can't even repeat the sentence she said. But I smiled at her. 

"It's fine. I'm already broken.."

She seemed so taken aback. "D-do you want me to tell your family?" I sat up straight. "You will speak of this to no one. Absolutely no one." She nodded and turned around. "I'll invite your friend back in." And the moment she left, the single tear on the floor told me her emotions.

She was a pretty doctor, good looking, dark skin, and gorgeous eyes anyone could see the void in. 

Lila rushed in once again. "What did she say?" I smiled once again. "I just have a bad fever." She sighed in relief. "Let's get you home." She seemed much happier but her worry stayed. As we signed out of the hospital, a few nurses at the register seemed a little bit sad towards me, but I ignored it.

As we went home, I could see my parents through the windows of the castle, searching through papers. I was curious but left it in the back of my mind.

As my parents saw the carriage they immediately went outside and waited for me. "Where were you!" I was still smiling. "Oh don't worry! I just fell off the roof. Oh wait! Maybe you would know that if you were there to help me." My parents stared at me as my smile wiped away and single tear started forming in my eye.

I smacked my smile back on my face and rubbed my eyes. "You can't die! Especially not now. We need the money from the men who want to marry you. You are the only prize to this family and you cannot let that go." I walked past the ugly man I call my father and brushed his shoulder. "I am definitely not a prize if you treat me like this. I'll be inside."

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