(8) Looks/Man/Warm

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July 4, Day 23 of trying to buy a forest

My heart was beating at the thought of it. 

I can't be in love. 

And not with him. He was Silvers man, the man that was her father..

"You alright?" I looked at him, letting out a fake smile. "Yep." I sat up, the ground was making my head hurt. I looked around at the forest around us, we had made it farther through the woods yesterday. I groaned at all the thoughts running through my mind. 

I mean, Silver found somebody else in the stars, so..

No. I can't be in love. 

He rolled his eyes and got up. "I think I see a good spot over there to rest for a few days." I glanced at where he was looking, it seemed like a good spot. "Okay, we'll head over there." I grabbed my now muddy and almost broken bag and started walking over there. I didn't hear his footsteps, so I looked back. I quickly went back and put my arm around his shoulder, showing my support. "You're not alone, you know that right?" He looked away. 

We both started trudging our way over to the spot in the woods where the trees weren't in the way. It wasn't too far, but my mind kept drifting towards the feelings I had been tucking away. I almost ran into a few trees, and it felt like I was in my own world. 

"Dude, are you okay?" I looked at him with a surprised look on my face, but I quickly glanced away. "y-Yeah." I gave out a sigh as the area we were heading to, was right beneath me. The soft grass was covered in sand, it made everything look more 'homey'. It was kind of like a large hole in the ground, with walls surrounded by trees, and an entrance of a sandy path. It was the perfect place for a cabin! 

"It's perfect!" I was squealing in joy, but with a loud and energetic voice, there also comes the side effect of the coughing. This time, the blood wasn't there, but it felt like the burning sensation was still there. 

I grabbed a drape I had in my bag and tied it to a tree, acting as a cover from any rain. "This should do for now." I placed my things under the drape and watched as he did the same. "I'll go look over there, i'll be back soon. Oh! And, Lucas, please, be safe." I watched as he nodded his head before pausing. "I never told you my name." I looked back, confused. "What?" He hadn't told me his name. How did I know it? Was it from Silver talking about him, or the stars? "I haven't told you my name yet." 

"Maybe you did, and you just can't remember." I turned away. Maybe it would be better to not tell him about the stars. "Sure..." I could barely hear his soft footsteps, but he had turned away. I looked around the forest, small, brown mushrooms covered a few of the tree trunks, and coyote dens were around the same area.

I saw a baby deer catching up to its mother down the forest more, I stepped closer, but the crunchy leaves below me startled them both, causing them to snap their heads toward me and bounce away. I gave in the sweet smell of the wood around me, before heading back. Lucas was eating a few berries he had found. 

"Don't eat those! Make sure they are good first-" He was fast to interrupt me, rolling his eyes. "I did. I'm not some child, Amelia. I'm 19, not 7." I stopped walking toward him. "Did I ever tell you my name?" He stopped eating the berries. "Did you?"

"No, I didn't." He stopped to think. "Maybe it was the stars, I've been having weird dreams about some sick girl. Apparently me and her are supposed to be together or starmates or something. We should probably try and find another kingdom to search for her." I grabbed a berry and ate it, laying under the large drape, thinking about my response to the newly found out information. "I've been getting messages from the stars, well, Silver to be exact. I'm supposed to like some other guy? I'm not sure." We stopped and looked at each other, confusion on both of our faces.

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