(9) Confusion/R.U.N./Peony

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July 7, Day 3 of trying to convince him

I woke up to something shaking me, waking me up. 

It was Lucas, his eyes were red, puffy and watery. He must have been crying, something I didn't expect out of him. "Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was broken, tears falling out, his anger was messing with him. "...What?" He looked at me for a moment before bringing his head down to my neck, sobbing silently. What was he talking about? 

"You didn't... he... another man.." I could barely make out his words, he was muttering to himself, his knees lodged into the chips of woods on the ground beneath us. I patted him on the back, trying to comfort him. He reminded me of Fredrick. Not knowing how bad things are until the last second, I hope he's still alive. It's been a week since that day, maybe he's still hiding in fear, wondering where his mother is. 

I gave out a sigh as I comforted Lucas. I watched as he passed out from the tears, he was heavy, but I managed to lift him over to the drape. I took a breath as I set him down, glancing at my bag. It was open. I never leave it open. I looked inside, trying to see if he took anything. I stared at the half empty bottle of vodka in my bag. "Shit. You did not." I turned my head toward him, staring at his closed eyes and red cheeks. I quickly hid the bottle back in my bag and got up, feeling a tug on my arm, looking back to notice him holding my arm. 

"Don't.. go.." I bent down and ran my fingers through his hair as gently as I could. "Don't worry. I'm right here." I sat back down. I was saving the bottle for a more.. memorable time. I'd have to go visit the village again for more. I gave out a sigh, letting myself relax as he calmed down a little. I really wanted to drink the rest of the vodka, but I knew that we wouldn't be able to get more. I let myself drift off to sleep, his white hair the only thing in my vision. 

July 8, Day 4 of trying to convince him

I let out a breath before slowly opening my weary eyes, Lucas had gotten up. "You're okay right?" My voice was weak, was I crying? I let my fingers feel the bags under my eyes before realizing that he had been walking away. I grabbed his arm, but he shook it away. "Luc..as?" He continued walking away, toward the forest. I quickly stood up and grabbed his wrist, with a tighter grip. I felt him tug me, yanking me toward his face. I felt his hot breath against my face, god his breath smelled bad.

"Leave me the fuck alone." I stared at him in shock as he let go. 

And in that moment, there was one thing running through my mind. Okay, multiple. But like everyone knows, I lose my dreams faster than I gain them. I didn't listen to that bull-crap though.

I grabbed his arm, higher up this time, yanking him toward me, but not close to my face, just close enough so he could stare into my eyes and feel threatened. Something like that. "Did you not just hear me? I said-" 

"I heard you, Lucas. Grow up. Do you think, I ran away because I hated it there? Or maybe because I was bullied for the stupidest of things! I ran away because of the abuse that stuck around me for 17 years. Not because of my goddamn cancer, not because of the way my dad always hated me, but because of the way people treated me. You had it good, but you followed me! Followed me for some sort of adventure, right?" I stared at him, waiting for a response, watching as his gaze softened. I put my hand around my mouth, I had just told him everything.

I whipped around, flinging my hair towards him before running off. What the hell just happened? He was supposed to be the one running off. And now i'm here, taking the attention away. I grabbed my bag, everything. I left the drape there, figured he would need it. I ran in the opposite direction as the entrance, anywhere he couldn't find or follow me. 

I was always taught 3 things about running away, respect who you're running away from for the rest of your life, make sure that you were useful before running away, and never return. R.U.N. to put it short. 

I felt dead, like I couldn't do anything. I felt like that all of my life, like dead meat being passed around, being seasoned by anybody close enough to the stove. 

Slowly making my way to the other river, I constantly looked back. I was scared that he might find me, confront me. I really am just an attention seeker, seeking the attention I was either given too much as a kid, or not at all. I looked up as I saw the castle towers of another kingdom, from the flags on the top it was most likely the Emerald Kingdom. I gave out a sigh as I looked back one final time and crossed the river. 

I was in Emerald Kingdom now, he most likely wouldn't be able to find me here. 

July 9

It was dark by the time I reached the village yesterday, I decided to hide in one of the small alleyways. I greeted each cat that crossed my path. Most of them were black cats, discarded for being evil or cursed. I didn't believe in any of that, setting down my last bits of food and resting at the end up the alley. 

I could hear faint footsteps, but my head and side hurt enough to make me ignore it. 

"Look, it's a little bitch sitting alone. Been feeding the cats, have you?" I looked up to find a group of 5 people surrounding me, all of them in dark clothes. I looked around, confused, the moonlight shining on me. The one talking to me was bent down, face to face with me. I scoffed in response to her statement. 

"Sure. Call me what you want shitheads." The girl in the middle stood up, motioning for one of her friends to hand her the bat in their hands. Smirking she brought the bat in her hands toward my face, pointing at me. I grabbed it, shaking the bat like it was a hand, watching her laugh. 

"The name's Peony, how about we call you the bitch?" I laughed. "Amelia the bitch. That fits me." I looked in the bag, I had been drinking the vodka, god I was drunk. "Come on 'shitheads', let's go." I watched as they slowly walked away, one of them petting each of the cats. 

I was drunk, homeless, and uncivilized. 

But god that girl was a prick.

I got up and started walking through the street, looking at each of the shops and wondering if anybody might be able to help me. I soon found an empty street with multiple other people who seemed to be homeless too. I sat down in one of the empty corners, reassuring myself by looking at anybody around who would give me a thumbs up or a simple nod, I passed out right there.

The rush of being woken up and the sound of people running by me was enough to get me on my feet, though way behind everybody else. I made the mistake of looking back, multiple guards and one on a horse startled me. I continued running, following everybody else in the crowd. I stopped and took a turn next to some boxes, hiding behind them.

I held my heart, my breathing was loud. I took a few deep breaths and waited for my body to calm down, I hadn't realized the men were already in the same alley as me. "Captain, we can't chase this girl forever. You, of all people, know that we can't afford this." I could hear the clanking metal of one of the guards turning. "We can chase Amelia for as long as we need, Samson." 

My breath hitched as I recognized the voice. "Let's get going." It was Prince Enderland. I had thought he was killed, but Lucas probably lied about that so he could look stronger, tougher. That's what guys look for, women to overpower, throw over their shoulder like a piece of meat. 

I grunted as they started off on the horses again, grasping my side. The fresh and cool night air the only form of water I was going to get for a while. 

I laid under the stars, waiting for the night to end.

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