(3) Missing/Waged/Bed

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June 19, Day 8 of trying to buy a forest

"Wassup LOOSER." 

I stared at the young boy calling me. The boy was holding my flowers in hand, he was laughing and making jokes about them, so I figured I would stand up for myself. "You're just one of the maids sons. If you dare do anything to my flowers you will pay for them and your mother will be in terrible trouble." He gave me a slick face and scrunched up the flowers and the pink petals fell on the floor. 

"What are you gonna do?" The boy was laughing, he was watching me hold back my anger. My fists were clenched, I wanted to punch him so bad. The footsteps of somebody coming toward the both of us became louder and louder with each growing second.

"Fredrick? Oh Fredrick there you are! Whose flowers are those?" The boy started crying and dropped to the floor. 

Shoot. I haven't had time to do anything to my outfit today and the maid probably thinks i'm some stupid girl. Ah crap! Not to mention dance class later..

"Oh mommy! This ugly girl said I couldn't smell the flowers inside! I had no idea, she said she was going to hit me!" I was taken aback, the maid gave me a disgusting look and picked up the boy as he cried into her arms, and the moment the maid looked around, the boy stuck out his tongue towards me as I tried to stay calm. 

"Whose kid are you? Daniells?" She laughed after she spoke, she was talking about an old spouse who worked in the kitchen serving drinks. I was silent until she put the boy down. "Go get those flowers and tell me what kind they are sweetie." I was fast to reply. "They are carnations ma'am. They live in a certain region and it took me forever to grow and find." My voice cracked when I told her the name of the flowers, but it was still clear what I said. She stared me down.

"What would a pest like you know about flowers? Let me see them Fredrick!" She snatched the broken flowers out of his hands and after examining them, she laughed. "These are carnations! You dare lie to me!" She was trying to act tough but in reality, she was thinner than the stem of the plant. "Is that not what I just said? Maybe you should get your ears checked out." She was offended but I ignored it and was about to speak but she interrupted. 

"I don't know who you think you are, but since you don't know, i'm Taylor, one of the closest maids to the queen and she would not appreciate your attitude." I laughed. "I think i'm closer to the queen than you will ever be." She scoffed in disbelief. "Really? I don't think I know you, are you sure you're not bluffing?" She was talking to me like I was five and I didn't understand how, 'your so ugly get out of my face' was rude. "Stand up straight like a big girl and use your brain." She was incredibly rude after that and continued to make up things about how her and the queen were best friends and blah blah blah. "Miss, you are incredibly stupid to not realise your son left around 15 minutes ago." She looked around. "How dare you!" She tried to make her voice boom but it failed. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you, I meant to state that you were already incredibly stupid earlier on in this conversation." 

I had a stern face and after another few minutes of her rambling I sighed, pinching between my eyes. "Look, go find you idiotic son and i'll be in my room? Okay? Okay." I started walking down the hall toward my room but she grasped my arm, stopping me from moving. "You can't go down that hall are you stupid? That's where the princesses room is!" I erupted into laughter. "I think i'm allowed to go down the hall." I started walking once again but she grasped my arm harder and swung me toward her, slapping me in the process. "Get your filthy hands off me!"

She gave out a loud sigh as my mother passed by, she must have been trying to check in on me. "Taylor? Get your hands off her!" She slapped her hand away from my arm and it felt like I was just released from a choke hold. "Why? She's just some stupid girl who works for a maid!" I could tell both of them were irritated but I stood there, watching. "Some stupid girl? Is this how you treat my daughter? Taylor Ophamlon you are fired from this castle and I never want to see your face again in my halls!" She seemed stunned but my mother fanned me away to my room to scold the woman. I re-adjusted my hair and put on clothes that wouldn't make me look like I came from the sewers. I sighed, what a day, the flowers I spent forever growing are now dead, someone got fired, and yet i'm still in this stupid castle, living 'oh the best life.' When can I get a break around here?

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