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Nolani Luna
Long Beach, CA 
1 month later

I had woken up to the delightful aroma of breakfast, a scent that could only mean one thing - it was Sunday, and we were headed to my father's church

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I had woken up to the delightful aroma of breakfast, a scent that could only mean one thing - it was Sunday, and we were headed to my father's church. The anticipation of the day ahead filled the air as I shook off the remnants of sleep and prepared for the morning.

The sun lazily streamed through my bedroom window, casting a warm glow that signaled the start of a new day. I could hear the distant chirping of birds, adding a natural melody to the quietude of the early morning.

With a sense of purpose, I refreshed myself, the cool water awakening my senses as I splashed my face. The anticipation of the day's events lingered in my mind as I dressed in my Sunday best, choosing an outfit that blended reverence with a touch of personal style.

As I descended the staircase, the enticing aroma of breakfast grew stronger. The clinking of utensils against plates and the sizzle of something delicious on the stove confirmed that my mom was already in the kitchen, preparing a feast fit for a Sunday morning.

There she was, standing over the stove with an apron tied around her waist, a culinary artist in her element. The kitchen was filled with the warm, golden hues of morning light, creating a cozy atmosphere that enveloped the room. My mother turned to me with a smile as I entered, the corners of her eyes crinkling in a gesture of maternal affection.

"Good morning, sweetheart," she greeted me, her voice a soothing melody. "I hope you're hungry. We've got a special breakfast today."

I couldn't help but smile back. The prospect of a special Sunday breakfast added an extra layer of excitement to the day. I moved to the table, set with care and adorned with a vase of fresh flowers, and retrieved a plate from the cupboard.

Without hesitation, I served myself a hearty portion of pancakes and scrambled eggs. The butter on the pancakes melted into a golden pool, and the syrup glistened like amber in the morning light. As I took my first bite, the flavors danced on my taste buds, a perfect harmony of sweetness and savory notes.

My mother and I engaged in casual conversation, the clinking of utensils punctuating our words. The morning sunlight poured into the kitchen, casting a warm glow on the simple joy of sharing a meal with family.


Arriving at my father's church, I realized I wasn't mentally prepared for the impact today's sermon would have on me. The exterior of the church gleamed in the Sunday sunlight, its doors welcoming the congregation with open arms. As we stepped inside, the familiar scent of polished wood and hymnals greeted us.

We exchanged warm greetings with fellow parishioners, the sense of community palpable in the air. The Sunday rituals were comforting - the smiles, the embraces, the shared anticipation of spiritual nourishment. My mother and I found our way to our usual seats in the front rows, a vantage point that allowed us to absorb every word of my father's sermons.

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