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Nolani Luna
Long Beach, CA
1 week later

As I closed the back door behind me, the soft hum of the cicadas filled the air, accompanied by the gentle splashes of water from the hose. My mom's meticulous care for the plants in our backyard was a familiar background melody to my quiet study session. The warm rays of the late afternoon sun bathed the surroundings in a golden glow, creating a serene atmosphere.

Glancing up from my notebook, I caught sight of my mom in her gardening attire—complete with a bucket hat and gloves—tending to the plants with a nurturing touch. The door creaked open, drawing my attention to my father, who strolled into the backyard sporting casual summer attire.

"Hey dear!" my dad greeted my mom, his eyes meeting mine with a warm smile. "Hey sweetie, what you doing outside?" he added, his gaze shifting to me. I looked down at my work and then back at him.

"I'm doing homework," I replied, taking a moment to sip water from my bottle.

"Hey babe!" my mom called out as she turned off the hose, making her way toward us. She planted a quick kiss on my dad's cheek, and I averted my eyes, refocusing on my work. "I thought you had a business trip today?" she asked, removing her gloves.

"I wanted to come back and spend some time with my lovely girls. We've got a reservation at 8 pm at your favorite Italian place. Make sure you guys are ready by then," my father announced, planting a kiss on my mom's head. "I'll be in the office if anything comes up."

"Isn't that nice! Finally spending time together," my mom remarked, and I managed a nod as she cleaned up her gardening tools and put them away.

Determined to finish my homework before the family dinner, I dove back into my assignments. The soothing melodies of soul music playing through my AirPod Max created a cocoon of concentration. The rhythmic beats helped me to unwind, allowing my thoughts to flow freely.

The passing hours carried the weight of recent events—the distant messages from cousins, the lunch date with Elijah, and The fight from the previous week sensed a shift in the air.

As the clock struck 5 pm, I completed my last assignment and submitted it online. Gathering my belongings, I made my way inside, locking the back door behind me. The laughter in the living room drew my attention, and upon entering, I discovered my dad engaged in conversation with my favorite uncle, Jack.

"Uncle Jack!" I exclaimed, rushing toward him. He opened his arms, enveloping me in a warm hug.

"My Lani girl! You've gotten so big!" he exclaimed with a grin.

"When did you get here?" I inquired, excitement bubbling in my voice.

"I came to visit my little brother and my favorites. I just got back from Indonesia, doing some work over there," he explained, his eyes reflecting the adventures he had experienced.

"Sweeite, you should go get ready for dinner," my dad suggested, offering me a knowing smile. I nodded.



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