Chapter 1

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"And The Businesswoman Of The Year goes to ISHITA SINGH CHAUHAN

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"And The Businesswoman Of The Year goes to ISHITA SINGH CHAUHAN." The anchor announced on the stage, and the audience burst into applause. There was also a shout and I knew who it was from. My brother. Adwait Singh Chauhan, King of Malwa. My biggest supporter. Beside him was my best friend, and his wife, Preeti, shouting from the crowd. "Looks like we all guessed this." The anchor said winking at me while I got on the stage smiling at her.

I hugged her, and she presented me with the award. "Ishita, a few words?" She asked me and I took the mic.

"Thank you everyone for the applause and the support. It means a lot. Firstly, I would like to thank my brother, who taught me how to fight from a cookie to a business deal. Then my best friend, my sister-in-law, who supported my achievements and mistakes. Then, I would like to dedicate this award to each one of my employees who worked so hard for the company. This award is special because I achieved this with a desire to show everyone who said to me, 'You're a girl, behave like one,' 'Dream of running a home, not a business,' 'You are a nepo product,' 'Of course it's her dad's money,' etc. Thank you for your encouragement. I don't know where I'd be without those words. And, I am telling this to every single woman out there. There will be people who will try to bring you down. People who will try to squash your success, discourage you and take credit for your accomplishments. But, be focused and achieve whatever your goal is, and show them. When people tell you, you can't do it, do it and put it on their faces. Thank you." The moment I ended the entire crowd burst into cheers and claps.

Amidst all of this appreciation, my heart wasn't feeling complete. I searched for two people amongst the crowd who I knew won't be here to support their daughter but my heart couldn't stop hoping. I wanted to hear them in the crowd but I guess it's nothing.

They weren't there from the very beginning. Said a small voice inside my head.

"Stop searching for the eyes which will never see you, Ishi," Adwait said as he stood beside me. It's uncanny how he reads me perfectly.

"I am not searching for anyone. I am just proud of the crowd that came here to celebrate me." I said while sipping my champagne. I can't afford people seeing right through. I was my only safe place, my treasure of secrets that I hid from the world.

"Don't hide yourself. At least not from me, Ishita. I have known you for 27 years. Just because you don't show it, doesn't mean you don't feel it." He said to me. Deep down I knew he was right.

"Don't be ridiculous, smartass. I show what I wanna show and what I wanna show is how I feel. Now, stop this heart-to-heart. My stomach needs more attention right now." I replied to him and he sighed in defeat knowing that he could never get me to open up.

"Where's my best friend?" I asked him, diverting the topic.

"With Varun, in the dining hall. Having dinner." He replied

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