Chapter 15- Stalker?

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A/n pov

There you both are, in front of the big window on the ground floor that clearly didn't have any security guards or cameras around, and which was facing the backside of the grand hall.

Tae- "Take off your heels and jump over."
You did as he said.

You would've never thought you would be running away, more like ditching the party as a comeback for your insult. But there you are.

He jumped through the window with your heels in his hands as he set it down for you to wear. You wore them and trailed behind him to what looked like a small door. There were tall walls all around and there was no way you could climb them in your long dress.

So, you opted for the small wooden door.

Tae- "Shit, it's locked."
He said after a failed attempt to open the door.

Tae- "Do you... Have a hairpin?"
He asked and you reluctantly gave him a pin from the million others you have in your hair. It messed up your hairstyle a bit.

Y/n- "Here"
He took it, inserted it inside the lockhole and ruffled it inside, spinning and twisting it until he heard a satisfying 'click'.

His lips spread out widely, showing his charming boxy smile making you smile too. He pushed open the door and you saw a car- not an ordinary one- it was a matte black coloured Buggati La Voiture Noire, which was one of the most expensive cars in the world.

Your jaw literally dropped looking at it. He got into the car and you were still standing there like a statue until he called you.

Tae- "Come on, hop in y/n!"
You went inside the luxurious car and he locked the doors.

Y/n- "Oh my god. Taehyung, when did you buy this car, isn't it like, crazy expensive?!"
He just laughed it off.

Tae- "Well, they asked for it. I needed to prove that I have many important things in life other than viewing someone's money exhibit."
There was a moment of silence before you burst into a round of laughter.

Y/n- " are crazy."
You said in between your laughs. Watching you, he also joined and started laughing just as hard.

And it was euphoric. For the both of you. The two people, who fought through screens and media, who cursed each other in interviews (not intentionally), and who lived like strangers were laughing widely under the brightly shining moon.

You felt happy. Really happy to have someone with whom you can enjoy every moment of your life. The way Taehyung acted before was weird and you never thought he would be like this.

So sweet, friendly, and caring.

You stopped laughing after a bit and you were both smiling throughout the ride, it was the first time you both acted so free in front of each other.

While in the car, you thought of something.

Now it's been more than 2 months since you're together. And despite such a short period, your company was already breaking the charts.

Taehyung too, always behaves like a good husband. He always makes sure you have your breakfast, lunch and dinner on time and even sleep on time.

"What's the point in not accepting him?"

You gave it another thought, and yes, you don't see anything wrong except for the fact don't trust him. Although he never shows any signs of cheating. You know he's not that kind of a guy. But again, this was the same thought that appeared in your mind before you accepted Jackson. And...well you know.

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