Chapter 25- Your Kids

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A/n pov

You were lying in your office chair bored af, tired of the same crazy routine. Getting up, going to work, work your ass off, sleep, repeat. That's all you've been doing for days after the day at the arcade.

You had to visit several places, several meetings and god knows when was the last time you breathed peacefully. But well, Taehyung had some plans for the day.

The day hadn't even started yet, and you were already half asleep in your chair.

Tae- "Y/n!!"
He called suddenly giving you a mini heart attack.

Y/n- "You scared me Taehyung, what do you want?"
You asked, already annoyed.

Tae- "Umm... It's been almost a week since we went somewhere right? Why not-"

Y/n- "No Taehyung, I literally have like 6 more files- wait. You're the President too, aren't you? Why are you always trying to avoid work?"

Tae- "I... Uhm. Listen to me please?"
You sighed and nodded.
"I'm a human too. And I'm a mafia along with a president. I have to handle many more things. So, I need a break. And so do you. Why don't we go out and chill?"

You thought for a second before muttering a 'fine'. He pulled you with him and as always, you informed Jimin to take care of work.


You reached the place and as soon as your eyes landed there, they started sparkling with joy. Taehyung was already admiring you.

Y/n- "Amusement park?! Really? But this place is for teenagers and kids!"
And much as you wanted to experience this, you were scared of people judging you.

Tae- "Well, we all have a hidden child in our hearts. We should always do what our heart desires. And also, it's been years since I last visited an Amusement park."

He walked inside with you beside him. You both tried out many different rides, small and big. You also ate lots of different foods.

You don't know what happened to him suddenly, but you liked this carefree side of him. When you found out about their secret, you thought he would be the same cold-hearted, dangerous mafia. But he is the complete opposite, softie wouldn't be enough to describe.

His big boxy smile, his cute little pout when he doesn't get what he wants, and his eyes. Those eyes were so deep, that he could make anyone fall for him.

And maybe you were falling for him.

Tae- "I know I'm handsome. Here."

He caught you off guard by catching you shamelessly looking at him while he got ice cream for the both of you. He gave you one and started eating his own.

Tae- "Where else shall we go?"

Y/n- "The Ferris wheel?"

Tae- "Sure, let's go."

You finished the ice creams and headed towards the Ferris wheel. He got 2 tickets and you waited for your turn to board on. After you did, the ride started.

It wasn't too fast, it was rather soothing and calm. After a few rounds, it was time to get down. So their ride stopped and now you were stuck high up in the sky. Taehyung seemed to enjoy the view when you spoke.

Y/n- "Taehyung, do you know if we make a wish on the top of a Ferris wheel, it comes true?"
He raised his eyebrows.

Tae- "I don't believe that."

Y/n- "But there's no harm in trying it out."
Your Lil pout was already visible.

Tae- "Alright."
The both of you closed your eyes, the wind brushing your face occasionally. You made your wishes and opened your eyes at the same time.

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