Chapter 21- Divorce

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A/n pov

"Divorce papers"
It read.

You dropped the file in disappointment and disbelief. You couldn't believe this. Yes, you still don't accept him as a husband. But divorce? That's a too-long step.

If you were in the past, maybe this could've been possible. But not now. You knew he couldn't keep his promises, but he surely wouldn't break your trust.

Y/n- "Taehyung I-"

Tae- "You're so selfish. I can't believe this y/n!"

Y/n- "Just shut up! Soowook, who sent this?"
He was silent after the question.

Y/n- "Just tell me goddammit! Or else I'll fire you!"
Taehyung looked at you surprised.

Soowook- "Mrs... Mrs Park sent this."
His head was low and he regretted it so badly. He had been told not to tell that, but he cannot lose his job, at any cost.

You closed your eyes to hold back the tears but failed. You covered your eyes with your palm. You couldn't take it anymore. They've tortured you enough and now that you're married, they don't have any right to interfere in your life.

So, you chose to do something you should've done way before.

Y/n- "Come with me. Or don't if you don't want to."
You said in a monotone to Taehyung. He was still processing but quickly nodded and followed you out.

You were on your way out, striding towards the elevator when you came across Jimin. You just went past him, leaving him dumbfounded. Taehyung pulled him with you both in the elevator.

Jimin- "What the hell is going on? And why do you look so angry
He looked at Taehyung after getting no response from you.

Taehyung shook his head, having no idea of what was going on either. You asked the driver to go rest and sat in the driver's seat yourself. You didn't even inform them before starting the engine, so they had to quickly jump in.

Jimin- "Where are we going y/n?"

Tae- "And why are we going?

Jimin- "And what is that file?"
He asked looking at the green file on the passenger seat.

Y/n- "Oh god just shut up you both!"
You yelled with a broken voice, unable to focus on the roads because of the numerous questions asked.

You stopped in front of the house- a very particular one. You got out with the file, the boys trailing behind questioningly. Tae had an idea why you were there, but Jimin was completely puzzled.

You barged inside without informing the guards, maid or servants. a maid was working there, so you walked up to her.

Y/n- "Where is she? Where is Mrs. Park?"
You said startling her. The water bucket beside her fell and all the water spread on the floor.

Mrs. Park- "What is this nonsense?! What are you doing here y/n?"
You chuckled turning to look behind.

She ordered the maid to clean the mess and asked you to come into another room to talk.

Y/n- "What's this?"
You threw the file in front of her and she eyed the familiar object.

Mrs. Park- "Your divorce file. Why?"
She said very simply. Jimin was very shocked by this, he was confused and just watching everything with wide eyes.

Y/n- "My divorce file?" *chuckles*
"And who gave you the right to file a divorce for me and my husband?"
Taehyung had a weird feeling in his stromal hearing you address him as 'my husband', but this matter was more serious right now.

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