Chapter 23- Diary (Part 2)

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(A/n- This chapter contains the detailed backstory of y/n and is written in her pov. Taehyung is reading the diary, so let's assume that this story is what Tae is reading.
Thank you, you can continue the story now!!🩷)

Y/n pov

"8th June.

Just a simple date. But not for me. It was the day I was born. My birthday. A day everyone loves. But I hate. I do have a reason though.

Growing up, my parents never cared for me. Our family consisted of my grandparents, parents and my brother, Jimin.

After I was born, my mom only fed me for about a year and then completely left me untouched. My whole responsibility was given to my grandma, who raised me through my childhood.

I also had an uncle, aunt and a cousin, Chaeyoung. I don't know why, but my father and uncle never talked to each other. But me and Chae were besties.

She had a nickname, Rosie. She had it changed to Rosé after she moved to Australia. Me, Rosé and Jiminssi used to play a lot in our childhood. But then, she moved to Australia.

Then, I made a wonderful friend in school, Jungkook. He quickly replaced Rosé's place and became our bestie. Then, in older classes, we met Aera and Hobi. We formed a group 'Singles Forever' after watching all the others around us getting into relationships.

My life wasn't bad, but I can't call it good either. My grandpa died when I was about 5. I don't really remember him, but Jiminssi told me he was a nice man. He always played with him and told him numerous stories.

I wasn't close to him and I didn't understand anything when he died. So it didn't affect me that much. But when the closest and the most important person in my life, my grandma passed away, I was just 11. Even my uncle, Rosé's father passed away shortly after.

I was deeply affected and I remember crying in Jiminssi's arms because I had nowhere to go. He patted my head until I fell asleep.

And then, it was him who took care of me in every aspect. He became my second mother...or my second grandma. He always made sure I was healthy and well-fed since my mother was busy with her work.

Even when I got my first period, Jiminssi was 14 and I was 12. I didn't have any idea about it but he did. He taught me everything, even snuck in Mom's pads for me.
And the funny thing is, she didn't even notice until one day she found all her pads and tampons empty.

It was all going well. But then suddenly, I don't know what happened, but my parents started yelling and scolding me for days. They even once locked me in the basement because I didn't act well in front of the guests.

They always found ways to target me. But never to Jiminssi. He was and is the best brother, but at that time, I was envious. I was craving for love, and Jiminssi's wasn't enough.

They crossed their limits at my 16th birthday. Jiminssi asked them to spend at least one day together with family and celebrate my birthday.

They took out all the hatred built inside them for years on that day, on me. Instead of a birthday cake, I got poison for my birthday.

"You don't deserve that much attention. We are feeding you, and that's enough. Don't expect anything like that from us. You know what? You will never succeed in life. You're a curse to our family. We should've never even given you birth. We pay for the food you eat and even the clothes that cover your body. Yet, you're such a nuisance and an ungrateful brat. Just kill yourself!"

We're the exact words. I had many nightmares with those words ringing in my mind. It was then, I knew this place wasn't for me. So, I ran away.

I ran away with just with the pair of clothes I was wearing and all my study supplies. I couldn't hear it anymore. I didn't have anywhere to go, so I went to Jungkook's house.

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