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I couldn't stop thinking about him. The certain him. The particular eyes. I woke up as usual, did my morning routine. I was eating my breakfast. It was just bread and Nutella. Mom and dad left for work early today.

They're just like that. I can't say that they don't love us. It's just... I don't know. I can't really hate them, can I? Yes, I know that they are trying hard to make our life easier but they were never there whenever we needed them. Even if they're with us, their mind would be somewhere else.

Once I called mom during school hours because I was having severe stomach ache. She came to school with not even a single flick of concern or worry in her eyes. She was mad at me for disrupting her work hours.

But she... I don't really know about them. I have mixed feelings for them. They only cares much when I score good marks, if my scores go down even by a little bit they will make me feel the difference in treatment. I'm not a nerd or a studious girl but my mark is pretty above average. Yet they aren't satisfied. It's hard to satisfy my parents. More like I can never satisfy them. They're too much greedy for me.

And about my dad, I was attached to him from my childhood but once when all his family members were slut shaming me for wearing a goddamn dress that reaches my knees, he did not speak up. He did not defend his own daughter. He left me with vultures with claws sharper than the knife. Since that, I never felt anything towards him. It was just numb. I still smile at him like always but deep down I know I feel nothing for him. We need a father figure and here we are.  That's all I feel.

Despite all these, I still respect them. I never did something that brought shame to them. In my seventeen years of life, I never had a boyfriend or even had a kiss. I know it's nothing for them to be ashamed of but my morals never let me do those and I have no idea why.

I took a sip of my coffee. It's quiet in the house because it's just me left here. Ben left early in the morning today because he had extra classes. Unlike me, he is the topper of the class. Always the top, straight A student. My parents prefer him over me. I can feel it. They always compare me to him. And if I'm being honest, it's fucking draining. Having to compete with my own brother. And that too younger.

I placed the dishes in the sink, grabbed my lunch bok, closed the main doors and left to school. As usual I plugged in my airpodes and listened to music as I was walking. I don't know why but I was getting a bad feeling. Female intuition it is. I agree I'm not that careful but for the first time in ever I tripped on air and almost fell on my face. Is that a bad sign? Now I'm really getting nervous.

My bus came. I got on my bus. There's always a middle aged woman in the front seat of the bus. She is deaf. I felt like I need to talk with her. Just because she looked sad. So I learned sign language for her. I took the seat near her.

"Goodmorning Mrs.Willson." I signed.

"Good morning kid." She glanced at my face. "Is there something bothering you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You look disturbed. You know you can tell me things right?"

"Thank you. It's because I am getting a bad feeling today. I don't know why."

"It's common dear. But remember after every bad occurence there is a good one following."

"So you agree that something bad will happen. And I hope something good follows."

"Don't give up hope dear. It's rare these these. Young people give up easily."

"Well I'm not like other young people. I still believe in the goodness of this world."

"Keep it up." She smiled at me and got off the bus.

I reached school but I haven't seen Liv. I walked up to our seat and noticed that it is empty. She is not the type to come late to class. If she will be absent, she would have notified me. Our class teacher came in and started our classes. I am still nervous. If I talked to Liv, I will definitely calm down but she isn't here.

During the last break before the self study session, I was in the washroom. I heard some students talking outside. "Did you hear that eight students of our school got kidnapped?" I heard a girl. "What!?" Another exclaimed. "So apparently our school did some dirty work and I think that these eight students are kidnapped for negotiation. There's a girl named Olivia Emerson in our class, right? She is also in the group of students who got kidnapped." The sounds vanished slowly. That means they're out of the bathroom.

I gasped when I heard that Liv got kidnapped. "What did she do anyways? I need to talk to the principal." I talked to myself. I ran towards the principal office. I was about to knock at the door when I overheard something. (Principal and vice principal talking) "They told us to go to the shed down this alley, right? But what will we do about them? We only have thirty minutes left for the assigned time."   "We should just discard the plan. Our students are in danger. Let's inform them. We should not drag innocent children to the problem of grown ups."

I became impatient. I knew where to meet Liv. I did not think twice before sneaking out of school. If I'm right, there's only one shed in this alley. I stood in front of the shed I think is the right one.

I slowly walked inside. "Liv? Are you there? It's me Addie." It was quite dark "Liv?" I called out her name again. Suddenly I heard the creak of the door. I went along with my instincts. I walked towards the door and suddenly a huge hall was in my sight. Eight of the students along with Liv is tied up. They're sitting in a corner. Olivia's eyes widened when she saw me. I ran up to her and untied the cloth around her mouth that prevented her from talking. I hugged her. "It's okay Liv. I'm here. Don't you worry." She broke down in my arms.

I turned my head towards the door when I heard footsteps. A tall man standing on the doorway. He looked at me and I saw confusion in his eyes. He walked towards me.

Thanks to my mom's genes I'm only 5'3. And I think he might be 5'10 or even 6'0. I don't know. He had a rigid body. His black t-shirt hugs his torso and showing off his well built body. A gun on one of his hands. His hair with no specific hairstyle makes him even more handsome. His black jeans fits him perfectly and the black jacket is the cherry on top. Overall, he feels like a fictional man straight out of my book.

I shook my head to shoo away my thoughts. I can't believe I'm drooling over someone who kidnapped my bestfriend.

"Who are you?" He spoke. His voice is masculine and demanding. I was taken aback for a second. He questioned again. "I asked who are you?"

"I'm Gladish. Her best friend. And who might you be?" I replied pointing at Liv. Oh dear Gladish what the fuck are your doing.

"I'm not fond of answering but I am Jayden. Jayden Carter. You're here to save them?" He scoffed. I stood up but no words came out of my mouth. My throat went dry. I recollected myself. "I will save them if I can." I don't know where all this boldness is coming from. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "You don't want them to die?" He asked me. I shook my head as no.

"So here's the deal, Moon. Either you or them will make out of this. You can decide who-"

"Kill me." I did not let him finish his sentence. But I'm still confused about why he called me 'Moon'.

"What?" He was stunned.
"I said kill me and let them go." I decided it. I always wanted to die a meaningful death and it looks like the time has come. He walked towards me. Took the last step closer. He is standing less than a hand distance from me. "Are you throwing away your life, Moon? Are you giving it up? To me?" I looked in his eyes. "Yes." I replied.

He brought his gun to my nech right below my chin and used it to turn my head up. So basically I'm actually facing him with a gun under my chin. "So that's how it is. Okay. Let's do it your way." He said and I closed my eyes. I heard Liv screaming. I waited for the bullet. But it never came but instead I felt something on my lips. I opened my eyes to see him kissing me. Jayden Carter kissed me. I closed my eyes shut again. He still had the gun. His another had gripped my head. Both of my hands clenched on my uniform. He tastes like mint. I should push him away but due to some reason I could not. Just like that Jayden Carter stole my first kiss.

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