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Gladish's parents went out. The girls went to Gladish's room and I am cornered by a fifteen year old. I can't even do anything to this kid because My Moon adores him. He's been gawking at me for a long time.

"So do you like my sister?" I guess it's his turn for enquiries but I don't remember signing up for this.


"Woah. I'm surprised. So you have like a crush on her?"

"Well if that's what you guys call it. But I'm pretty sure it's more than just a crush."

"You're quite a romantic, aren't you?" He is teasing me. "Are you guys dating?"

"I don't know, ask your sister."

"What do you mean by you don't know?" His eyebrow hit the sky.

"You sister decides the status of our relationship. But she's definitely mine in this lifetime and in all coming ones. As I said, I'm not giving up on her. So if she says we're dating, then we're dating. If she says we're friends, then we're friends. But there's no doubt that she's the only one for me."

"Damn. I can't believe a man like you fell for her. But I can understand her, anyone would fall for you." I don't know if he's mocking me or appreciating me. I took a glass of water from the table and drank it halfway when he-

"So you're like my bro-in-law?" I choked on the water. His question was too much. He broke out in laughter. Then handed me a tissue. "Here. I was just checking facts."

"Why would you say that? You don't like me?" I asked him.

"I wanted to make sure if you're serious about her. She's never been in a relationship before. Although she had been heartbroken by her silly crushes. And I really like you. I always wanted a brother you know. We could be buddies. I can team up with you if you decide to court my sister. " Phew that was easy.

"You would team up with me?" I was curious.

"Yeah. So we are bros." He extended his fist. I bumped it.

If you told me three months ago, that I'll willingly agree to be bros with a fifteen year old and even fist bumped him, I would have laughed in your face. But the things I do for my Moon. Well I am not even complaining.

Not only I agreed to be his bro, I even have him my personal number. Not much people have my personal number. Only my mom, dad, Jeffrey, My Moon and quite a few people have that one. Now this kid also have that one.


As soon as my parents went out, I am dragged to my room by a curious little kitten aka my best friend, Olivia. She's been examining me for the last ten minutes.

I am not afraid of her. But I am really afraid for Jayden, my brother cornered him. I wonder if he'll be able to keep up with him.

"So? Tell me what happened?" Liv started her questions.

"You heard me there right? That man cornered me. I was not able to-"

"Not that."


"How did he know that you were in trouble? Your face is flushed everytime you look at Jayden. Something definitely happened between you two. Tell me about that."

I knew I could not escape Olivia's clutches. She knows me more than I do. Now that she is asking me straight. I guess I have no way out other than to say the truth.

"Um... He put his name in my emergency contacts or something. When I tightened my hold on the phone, I accidentally long pressed that volume button which gave him an automatic call. He knew I had a family function there so he was nearby, and when he overhead my conversation with Xavier he came to my rescue."

"Woah. That's crazy. I mean it's like you're the female lead of a kdrama or a cheesy rom com."

"I know right." I looked down. I can feel myself blushing.

"And tell me what happened in his house. I'm sure my daughter has been defiled."

"What do you mean I've been defiled? Fuck you Liv." I snapped. She laughed out loud.

"Something happened right? You're shy to even meet his eyes."

"Umm... I might have sucked him off." I looked away from her.


"Shh... Don't yell sister. Please let me live."

"Wait a fucking minute. I need to calm down. You gave him a blowjob. Did he force you into it?"

"No. I volunteered." I bet fifty bucks I'm red right now.

"Who are you and what happened to my innocent Gladish?" She cupped my cheeks.

"Stop it." I pushed her away.

"You know I won't judge you. I want you to be happy. I am always on your side. So you guys are boyfriend girlfriend?"

"I know you'll be my side and I'm thankful. And we are not dating. I don't know, he said things like I'm his and all those forever things but he never asked me out properly. I will not jump to a conclusion before he voice out what he wants."

"That's for the best. And I also have something to tell you. So there's this guy I met at a coffee shop, he is annoying as hell. Then accidentally we met for like a few times again. We bickered so much and I absolutely hate him."

"You hate every man, Liv."

"Shut up. And You know I always wanted to be a doctor. He is a student in the college my mom works for. She is resigning next year and I will be admitted to that college. I can't believe I'll be in the same college as that bastard."

"That's okay. We tolerate people daily. You can do this." I hugged her. She also returned it back. Times may change but what we have with each other is constant.

Suddenly I heard a knock. I turned my head to see Jayden leaning on the door frame with his hands in the pocket. "Mind if I interrupt?"

"Oopsies. I'm not going to cockblock here." She stood up and rushed out. Before going out, he whispered something to Jayden. And she is out of the room, leaving me alone with a beast. A very beautiful beast, which wouldn't harm me. The beast of a man I fell for.

Today's chapter goes to my ones: Stellzz818 chenfrdFOREVERRR quixoticsoul_07

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