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I was cooking scrambled eggs and toast while she is showering. My cock is still rock hard. She gave me a blow job but what blew up is my mind. For fuck's sake I never thought about her doing this when she said that she wanted to do something to me. Not that I am complaining.

Her little fiery commands were adorable. The more I think about it, the more painful my boner gets. Damn, that girl is ruining me. And I am enjoying every bit of it. She is coming out to the kitchen. I looked back to see, OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS!--

She is just wearing a t-shirt, more specifically my tshirt. Her hair wet and small water droplets falling down to the tshirt. And she is smiling, at me. I bet she's not wearing underneath because I can see the faint shadow of her nipples from here.

I will never, I mean never get tired to seeing her in my clothes. She is my favourite view. You can place anything in front of me but if she's there all my attention belongs to her and her only.

"Hey" she greeted. "What's with that expression? Is there something wrong?"

"Everything is wrong yet so right." I turned off the stove and walked towards her, caging her between the kitchen counter.  But she is not shy this time. With a smile, she looks in my eye as I bent to her eye level.

"Did I do something? Hmm?" She looked down and fidgets with my tshirt.

"Why?" I asked her. Her gaze shot up to mine. Her eyes looking into mine like a question.

"Why what?"

"Why am I feeling things that I don't know about when I see you? Why are you always on my mind? Why do I want to bury myself inside you? Why am I getting a fucking boner everytime you smile? How can you do this to me, Moon?"

"Got any complaints?"

"Fuck no. I am happy to feel all those. I'm happy to have you by my side Gladish."

She smiled.

"Don't smile like that, Moon. My cock is hurting like hell." She suddenly stiffened. Her blush deepening.

"Don't say those things like that."

"What? About I am getting a boner? Oh please, you sure as fuck know that it happens around you. Every. Single. Time."

"Stop it." Her hands covered her face. Hiding me from the most beautiful view.

I slowly removed her hands.

"Moon?" I lowered my voice as if it sounded more like a whisper.

"Yeah.." Her sound turns raspy as well.

"Can I get a kiss?" I moved closer to her face. Our nose touching, lips just about to meet. She did not answer me. I wanted her to kiss me not the other way round so I asked her. "Can I?" I whispered against her lips.

"Yes you can." She whispered back before she leaned forward and her lush lips met mine. Her arms surrounding my neck, pulling me in. I smiled between the slow sensual kiss. Her lavender smell destroying my senses.

Eventually we pulled back. She smiled against my lips. I pecked her cheeks and carried her to the chair and she sat there. Her gaze following me to the kitchen like a kitten. I came back with food. "Here" I slid the plate towards her.

She is not taking the food so I asked her, "What's wrong?"

"You want me to eat this?"

"Of course."

"Then make me."

"What?" I chuckled. "You mean feed you?"

"Urgh. It's the same thing isn't it?"

"Yeah yeah it is. Come here." I took her and placed her on my lap. I fed her the food. I wonder how this woman has the ability to turn me into something I never thought I could be.

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