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I took a look around her room. It's vibrant just like her. Many photos. Cupboard full of books. Some things are messy but yet her room looks homey and cozy. I took out my phone and  captured some photos of her books. I'm not a reader but if she likes it, I like it too. But it's still a pity that I can't kill fictional characters. She is too much into it. I was about to leave when I saw one of her oversized hoodie in a hanger. It smells like lavender like her. I stole it. Sorry Moon.

I couldn't resist her cute sleepy face. I pecked her head. She doesn't sleep pretty like other girls claims to be. Her mouth is open. There is drool on her cheek. Her hair is messed up. Yet she looks beautiful. Even more beautiful than when she has her makeup on. I know about makeup thanks to mom.

I glanced at her once more before I snuck out of her room as quietly as I came in. I don't know how such a sleepyhead can cause me a fucking boner. I've never been this hard before. I started my bike and went back home.

I was not sleepy even though it's almost morning. I took out the hoodie I stole from her. I wore it and it fits me. Her smell surrounded me. I checked the time. It was 3 in the morning. I lied on my bed and I slept like I passed out. I don't remember anything.

I opened my eyes. I peeked at the clock and it's fucking 3 in the evening. What the fuck? I slept for twelve hours. I checked again. Yeah I slept twelve hours.

Just like that my life is changing. That stubborn little girl is making me change myself and I never wished for more.

*After a month*

We were really getting comfortable with each other. She texts me almost everyday. Most of the time it will be the pictures of sky or something she saw and liked in an instant. I shook off all thoughts. I took out my phone to check some messages. There are a truck load of messages but I only searched for my contacts with emojis.

Mom❤️: Son? When are you coming home?
My Moon🌕: I'm going to the amusement park *image attached*

I replied to both of them. Gladish sent me a photo of her smiling, standing in front of a Ferris wheel holding an iced coffee in her hand. I don't know how much time I stared at it.

I went in for a shower. It started raining. I came out of the shower drying my hair when my phone rang. It was Gladish. I picked up the call.

"Hello? Jayden?" She was sobbing.

"Moon? Where are you? What happened?" I panicked.

"I didn't knew who else to call."

"Gladish. Love. Tell me what happened."

"Come find me. It's raining. I'm lost." She sobbed again. I literally lost my calm.

"I'll be there in 10. Don't hang up, okay? Keep talking." I rushed outside with the keys and got moving. It was raining and I forgot my raincoat.

"Tell me what happened. Why are you crying?"

"I came here with one of my friend. He betrayed me Jay. He was helping his old ass uncle to get me. They were trying to rape me." She sniffed. "I don't know how I escaped. My clothes are ruined. I don't even know where I am. I'm surrounded with trees. Come soon Jay."

"Fuck baby. I'll be there soon."

Her sobs are audible through the call. She did not hang up the call. I will destroy every fucking reason which made her cry. If they hurt my girl, they hurt me.

It could be the garden by the park if there are trees surrounding her. Trees are present. I rode my bike as quickly as I could. My bike came to a stop in front of the park. By the time I got there, I was soaked through. I bolted in the direction of the garden. I heard a quiet voice coming from behind a tree as I called her name.

"Moon, is that you?"

"Jay?" She poked her head from behind the tree. I didn't think of anything else. I ran towards her and held her. I hugged her so tightly like if I let go she might leave me forever. Her body was all cold. Her top was torn. She held onto her sling bag. I took off my jacket and gave it to her. She covered herself with it. I cupped her cheeks. Her face tiny in my hands.

I smashed my lips on hers. The rain making the kiss even more hotter. Every ounce of my worry evident in the kiss. She did not push me away. She did not pull me closer. Her little fingers clenched around my jacket. I broke the kiss. I looked in her eyes "Don't worry Moon. You're safe now." She nodded her head. I continued, "Who did this to you, love?"

"Don't bother about them Jay."

"I asked who did this to you. Whom should I kill?"

"Leave it Jay." She spoke with low voice.

"Fine let's talk about it later." I will find it on my own.

She stood up. She tried to walk but couldn't. "I think I sprained my ankle." She said. I exhaled and picked her up in my arms. Our drenched bodies attached to each other's. Her hands wrapped around my neck. Her face snuggling in my chest. I held her in my arms. And it felt like I was holding the world in my arms. I never knew that my world shrunk down to this girl. As I was settling her on my bike, she held my tshirt and pulled me down. I heard her whisper, "Thank you Jay."

I put her in front of me. I don't know what will happen if I let her sit in the backseat. She is not in her senses. I placed her in a way that she is hugging me. I slowly wrapped her legs around my waist. I don't want her falling down. She still had her eyes closed. "Hold on tight baby." I said in her ears. She just nodded and held me tight. And just like that she was the first one other than me to get on my bike. I couldn't bring her to her house in this condition.

There's only one way, I sped up to my house. I parked my house in the garage and gently picked her up from the bike. I don't know if it's reflex action but she put her arms around my neck. I would have stopped time if it happened under different circumstance.

I slowly walked to my room with her in my arms. She still has her sling bag around her. I gently put her down in my couch because it was closer than the bed. She is shivering because of the cold. I stripped down my clothes and put on a bathrobe because I don't have time to get dressed up.

I don't have any pajamas or anything. I took a hoodie from my dresser and walked up to her. "I am going to change your clothes Moon" I said her even though she is not on her right mind. As much as I want to see her bare, I don't want to take advantage of her situation. She just nodded her head.

I slowly unbuttoned her shirt and unclasped her bra. Everytime her skin brushes on my hand, I feel an electric sensation. I visibly swallowed everytime. I put the hoodie over her head and slid into her arms too. Just when it covered her stomach, I put a blanket on her and pulled down her skirt and panties from under the blanket and. She snuggled into the warm blanket and hugged herself.

I took out the towel and slowly dried her hair. If I use the hairdryer she might wake up. I dried her hair. Then I used some wet wipes to clean the smudged makeup. Now she is clean. I picked her up from the couch and settled her down on my bed. I took out her phone from her bag and texted her best friend and her mom. I asked Olivia aka her bestfriend to cover up for her and all explanations later. I told her mom that she'll be staying with Liv tonight. To my surprise, her mom agreed.

I walked to my closet to get changed. I put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. I then walked up to my bed and found my girl sleeping peacefully. It was around 7:30 pm. Still too early for me to sleep. I went to the kitchen and made myself a toast and an omelette. She loves Nutella so I took a packet of bread and a bottle of Nutella which I don't know why I bought, to the table near my bed. I slid myself beside her and covered myself with the blanket too.

It's now proven that she is a huge cuddler. When I lied down beside her, she put her hand and leg on me. I opened my arms for her and she scooped closer and put her head on my chest. She snuggled even closer that her head is basically between my neck and shoulder. I never liked others touching me but I'd die for feeling her on my skin. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with her in my arms. I slept peacefully. I found my home in my girl. My Gladish. My Home.

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