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He was feeding me but negative thoughts never left my mind.

"Jayden..." I said his name and he attends to me.

"What is it Moon?"

"I am worried about my parents when I go back. I can't just hide here. I should go back and I'm afraid how they will react." I said it. I don't know if I should have said it or not but I don't care because I believe in Jayden. I trust him with everything. He will find a way for me.

Even if I am sitting on his lap, he is still taller than me.


"Hmm..." I fiddled with his tshirt.

"Look at me." He held my chin and tipped my head upwards and I am looking at him. "Do you trust me?"  He asked me. I just nodded my head. "Put it into words." He said still looking into my eyes.

"I trust you." I affirmed.

"That's what I want. I want you to trust me. Let me take care of your problems okay?" He reassured me

"Okay" I said. My eyes glistened with tears.

"So here's what we are going to do. After this meal, you will put your clothes on and we'll head back to your house. I will come with you. Whatever questions they shoot us, we will answer. I'm not leaving you alone. And you know I can't stay there so after I leave if they're hurting you, give me a call. I'll come right away and protect you. Okay?" His gaze softened.

"Okay." A tear drop betrayed me by flowing down my cheeks onto his tshirt. He wiped my tears with his thumb and continued to feed me. I had too much on my plate. No one ever told me that they'll solve my problems for me. I always had to face everything alone. But now that I have him around, I guess I can let go. I am not sure if he'll also end up leaving me like everyone else but till then I'll just rely on him.

After eating my food, I went back to his room for a change of clothes. I found my mobile on the nightstand. I opened it and saw quite a few missed calls and messages. I opened Ben's message first.

Ben 10:

Sister, where are you?
I left you for sometime and you were taken by some man?
Are you safe?
Why didn't you beat that bitch up?
You know what Imma see them by myself.
Where are you?
Ok now I'm concerned. I told Oli about you.
If you willingly went with that unknown man, I think you trust him. Just know I'll be with you.
I just hope you're doing fine. You didn't even pick up your phone. Please be fine.
And don't even think you can get away for not telling me about this man. You better come ready.
Text me back to when you see this.
Take care :)


Ben, I'm fine. I'll be back in a few. I'll explain everything later. I think I'll be there in 30 minutes.

Goddamn, this boy really blew up my mobile. As he said Liv, she must be either freaking out or eating the damn popcorn while being dramatic about me and Jayden. Taking a deep breath, I opened her texts. I just saved her name as Liv but she was being dramatic and included 'my best friend'.

Liv (my best friend):

You better bring me the damn popcorn the next time we see because Imma need a detailed story.
And who's that bitch again? Need my help to kick her ass?
Should we just kill them and dispose their body in the ocean or something?
Or how about we hang them in the middle of the road?
How did Jayden rescue you?
What a story!!! Saving the damsel in distress.
But are you really okay?
As you're with him, I want to believe that you're okay.
Text me back.
Please be okay.


I'm fine and I'm with Jay. I'll be heading back in a few. I think I'll be there within 30 minutes. I'll talk to you at school.

I was so much happy to have these two in my life because I  don't know what I would have done without them. I was about to put my mobile back when u accidentally opened Nick's message. I didn't notice it earlier.


I heard about what happened. I am so sorry for that. I know that you wouldn't do something like that. And I apologise for putting you through such a situation. I'm sorry.


That's okay Nick. I don't blame you for what happened. You didn't know anything about it. You don't have to be sorry.

I hit send and put my phone down. I took a deep breath and walked towards his wardrobe to find some clothes. I'm not even surprised when he has a pair of jeans of my size and a crop top. I put that on and moved in front of the mirror when Jayden came behind me. Looking at myself in the mirror with him behind me filled with enough confidence. I now believe that whatever happens, this man behind me will protect me and he won't let anything happen to me. I tipped my chin high and soaked in that moment.

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