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Y'all, it took me a week to write this chapter💀 I kept stalling and had to force myself to write it💀


New years passed by, but I didn't feel any different. I think the only resolution I made with myself was to actually lose weight rather than losing and gaining the same 10 pounds. Though this has been my goal for years now, and I doubt it being a new year will motivate me, but oh well. I can hope, I suppose.

However, due to the trip with Dayanara's grandma, I don't have much hope. I actually have zero hope at this point. I have no hope that things will get better. I have no hope that I can control myself. And I have no hope that this trip will go well.

And of course, I'm right.

"Are you kidding me?"


"You didn't tell me this," I groan. Dayanara rolls her eyes at my dramatic attitude while shoving our bags into the back of the truck. "Can't I trade spots with Mateo?"

"Oh, sure." My mood brightens for a second, but of course, the girl knocks it down. Why couldn't I have detected her sarcasm before getting my hopes up? "If he, Maria, Emily, and Dad didn't leave 10 minutes ago."

I'm going to be stuck in a truck with Diego and Dayanara for 5 hours. 5 long, cold, awkward hours. And knowing Dayanara, she's going to sleep most of the time because she stayed up late. Why wasn't I smart enough to do that? Why did the one time I slept well, it had to be the night before this trip?

"Oh, and..." I groan again, knowing she's about to break even more bad news to me. This can't get any worse, can it? "I'm sleeping in the back, so you can have shot gun."

Wait, so I have to sit next to Diego for 5 hours? Is she serious? Is she actually trying to torture me? This trip is going to be worse than I imagined it to be, isn't it?


"If it makes you feel better, we packed a million snacks." That most definitely does NOT make me feel better. Why would food soothe my nerves by any means? "At least Diego won't get hangry." There's not enough food in the world to prevent that boy from being a douchebag to me. "C'mon, don't give me that look."

I don't realize how much I'm expressing my pissiness until now. My eyebrows unfurrow, but bitterness remains on my face, as if it's permanent. How could Dayanara do this to me? She knows how I don't get along with Diego. I rather lick the bottom of my shoe than sit next to him for hours.

"He's going to kill me."

"Nah, I'm too hot to go to prison." My body jumps at the sudden sound of Diego's voice. Where the hell did he spawn from? The boy takes the bag from my hand and tosses it into the trunk without care. "Hope you didn't have anything fragile."

"Dickhead," I mumble under my breath. My arms cross over my chest as my blood boils. I'm half tempted to go back home and spend the rest of my break suffering with my family. However, being around Diego is better than my parents.

After sulking and grumbling comments to Dayanara, I finally talk myself into going into the passenger seat. Diego loads the last of the items into his trunk before beginning to drive. My arms remain crossed as I stare out the window. This entire trip is going to be a disaster.

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