Christmas Special - Alexia

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They had been dating for a few months now and everything had been scary and special. Especially now that it was almost Christmas time.

They had to meet each other's parents.

It's what they had agreed upon but what they hadn't expected was the amount of nervosity that came with it.

Plus the fact that they had already moved in together.

How were they going to explain their parents? Alexia's mom already knew about most of it but still had to meet the blonde in question while Sarie and Margot didn't know about anything at all.

Besides the nervosity that both women were feeling it also caused doubts, troubles and even fights. The arguments had been endless and the both of them only just had gotten their Christmas break from work.

When Alexia woke up, she didn't wake up happy at all. After their fight of last night, things got even worse after Thalia decided to go sleep on the couch and it had caused a very unpleasant sleep behind for the athlete who significantly slept less without the blonde she had found her comfort in.

Thalia had argued that it was for the best if they didn't sleep together for that night and despite Alexia's loud protests, the blonde's mind was set and nothing could change it. So, after not getting what she wanted, Alexia had decided to just go to bed on her own and realize how big the bed was for just one person. It took her way too long for her to fall asleep and she didn't even get close to getting her usual 8 hours of sleep. After a long groan of protest and tiredness, the athlete willed herself out of bed and forced herself into the bathroom where she took a quick shower and got ready for the day. She put on a beautiful dress and applied her make up after her shower and then headed into the living room where the smell of freshly baked eggs entered her nostrils. Alexia's eyebrows shot up at the smell and confusion settled in as she heard Christmas music coming from the kitchen. The athlete slowly went over to the kitchen door and slowly opened it to reveal the blonde standing there with a messy bun in her hair, her tattoos showing due to the small silky robe that didn't leave anything up for imagination, her exposed muscles flexing with her movements, humming along to Christmas songs and making freshly made eggs as if nothing ever happened.

Alexia didn't know if it should anger her or not since she was already in a pissed off mood and she cleared her throat, crossing her arms over her chest as the blonde turned the fire on low and turned around in a swift movement, looking at her girlfriend who was already all dressed up. "I- Oh- I didn't expect that you would be awake already."

"What even is all of this?"

"Well, I- uh- I had hoped that you would still be asleep and that we- I- uh- could bring you breakfast in bed- I- yeah..."

It was rare for the blonde to be left as speechless as she was at that point, her blue eyes shooting over Alexia's body multiple times while trying to stay focused on her lover's eyes, but damn, that dress looked good on the athlete. Alexia, however, was still in a foul mood over a terrible night of sleep and she rolled her eyes. "We can just eat at the table." And she walked out of the kitchen to take place at the kitchen on their balcony.

Thalia sighed and rubbed her forehead. She took a few deep breaths and finished making the eggs and put them on the plates, the plates being set on a tray and Thalia then added two glasses of orange juice together with two cups of coffee. the fight of the night before had been her fault and she really wanted to make it up to the athlete.

The blonde had been thinking about it all night since she too, hadn't had the best night of her life.

She sighed, straightened her posture, grabbed the tray and then walked out of the kitchen, through the living room and to the balcony where she tentatively set the tray and herself down at the table, Alexia being immersed in reading the news on her tablet. The blonde was nervous as she gently set the plate with cutlery, the glass and the cup of coffee in front of Alexia, then doing the same with herself, looking over the view from their balcony.

Thalia didn't know why she was so afraid. She just hoped that the two of them could make it through Christmas time and still be together at the end of it. "Uhm, Merry Christmas?"

"Is that a question or wishing?"

"No, uhm. Merry Christmas."

Alexia sighed and set the tablet down, her hazel eyes meeting Thalia's intense blue ones. "Are your sister and mom already on their flight?"

"Yeah, my mom had to get on the plane yesterday evening and Marge got on hers at... 3AM. If I remember correctly."

"You didn't sleep?"

"I couldn't." The blonde's admittance was immediate, no trace of thought behind it.

Alexia seemed confused at the immediate admittance. She still sometimes had troubles with seeing that things impacted Thalia as much as they impacted herself. 

"At what time are Alba and Eli coming?"

Alexia sighed and she looked down into her lap. "I called them off."

Thalia's eyebrows shot up in surprise, hurt in her eyes. "Why?"

"Because I want us to be fine before they meet you."

"But we are fine?"

"Oh please Thalia. You even decided to sleep on the damn couch. There has been a tension between us that's been there for days and we can't go a day without a stupid argument which fundamentally has absolutely no good reason and they are about absolutely nothing and now on Christmas morning you come up with breakfast?"

Thalia rubbed her face and hid the fact that she was getting cold because Christmas time in Barcelona was definitely different than Christmas time in Australia and the fact that she was only wearing a silk robe also didn't help. She sighed and looked Alexia. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I've just been afraid of meeting your mom and sister because the three of you are so close. I just want to make a good impression and I have been stressing so much about it that I channeled my negativity out on you and I am truly sorry about that. I'm just so afraid of saying or doing something wrong. I really shouldn't have acted it out on you. Will you please forgive me?"

Alexia's eye contact didn't waver as tears started to gather in those beautiful blue eyes. The athlete stood up, walked around the table and engulfed the blonde in a hug, the blonde not hesitating to hug her back immediately. It was also now that Alexia realized how cold Thalia's skin felt. A slight, sad chuckled escaping her lips. "I forgive you, now, let's go inside because you must be absolutely freezing." The blonde nodded but refused to let go of Alexia, the tanned athlete providing her warmth and comfort and she smelled incredible. Alexia chuckled and shuffled the both of them inside of their home, the warmth greeting them immediately and Thalia slowly let go of her taller girlfriend. "I love you."

"I love you too bonita. I will go and call my mom and sister. I look forward to meeting your twin and mom too."

Thalia smiled and stretched her body. "Do you mind if I go and take a shower and get ready?"

Alexia smiled and pecked the blonde's lips. "Only if you will sleep with me tonight. In the bed I mean."

Thalia laughed and nodded her head. "I will. in whatever way you want."

Alexia smiled as Thalia left to go and get ready, Alexia taking the tray from outside to inside and preparing a new breakfast that hadn't turned cold. They would be fine after all.


Bittersweet Christmas chapter out of nowhere.

One chapter I be saying that ny passion's fading, now I'm here with a one-shot book.

I got the idea for this from the one and only juliendrf they are an aboslutely amazing writer and I'm blown away by their writing skills every single time so be sure to check their stories out as well!


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