Leah Williamson - flare up

957 23 5

Words: 1528

Pairing: Leah Williamson x reader

plot summary: A Leah Williamson story where she has an endometriosis flea up and the reader takes care of her


You and Leah had been dating for a while and it wasn't a secret for anyone within the teams, Arsenal and England alike, the both of you being great players and your harmony on the field being like nothing anyone has ever seen before, the both of you being the center backs for Arsenal and the national team, your chemistry being off the charts as the two of you had known each other for a very long time.

After you had eventually asked your long time best friend to be your girlfriend, the two of you decided to move in together, supporting each other through thick and thin, through the good and the bad. During one of the last times that the two of you had been with Arsenal before the start of the Euros, which were being held in England, Leah had gotten a minor concussion, it hadn't been anything bad but it was still enough to do damage. Leah didn't even need to ask and you were already on your feet to take care of her.

You would always take care of each other.

The thing that did worry you however was that the Tournament was now right around the corner and Leah still needed to get her period. You knew it and Leah knew it too.

The two of you had been staying up to date with Leah's cycle, preparing yourselves with Leah's endometriosis, causing the blonde to have extreme pains from time to time but now that she has had a concussion you knew that it could mess up with her period and her pain.

It was now the first weekend inside of the camp after having your first few training sessions and preparing for the Euros and while you were sleeping peacefully, Leah woke up at 2 AM, slowly getting out of bed, barely seeing the red splotch, staining the white sheets. The slightest of groans escaped Leah's lips as she was afraid of waking you up and she waddled over to the conjoined bathroom to pee and clean herself up.

As she had been tidying up, she was awake enough to suddenly feel an excruciating pain soar through her stomach, traveling through her back, crumbling down to the bathroom floor as tears silently flooded out of her eyes, the footballer clutching her stomach as she curled herself up in a ball.

Your eyes were still closed as you woke up, you knew it was late because it was still dark and your hand went to Leah's spot, finding her side of the bed empty. You pried your eyes open and looked at Leah's empty spot, also soon seeing a darker spot on the sheets, visible due to the moonlight that peeped through the curtains of your bedroom and you instantly knew what was going on.

You carried your heavy and sleepy body out of the bed and managed to find light switch, letting out a big yawn as you went to changed the sheets of the bed, making sure that the dirty one got in the washing machine that you had in your room. When the machine was on and turning, you made sure to stop by in the kitchen to grab the painkillers and a glass of water for Leah and then strolled back to your bedroom, stretching on the way there to wake yourself up slightly. When you were in the bedroom, you walked over to the bathroom door and tenderly knocked on the door. "Leah? Are you okay?"

After an eerie silence, you slowly opened the door to see Leah laying on the middle of the bathroom floor, a pile of dirty laundry besides the toilet as your girlfriend herself is whimpering and laying immobilized on the bathroom floor, holding on to herself for dear life.

You smiled gently and crouched down besides her, gently rubbing her back in soothing circles. "Open up." Your voice was gentle with a soft tone, Leah opening her mouth as you placed the pain medication in her mouth, slowly pouring the water in her mouth so she could swallow the medication, the pain that she was feeling so excruciating that she couldn't speak except make some small whimpering noises.

Your heart broke for her as you got comfortable on the cold tiles besides her, gently raking your hand through her soft hair with one hand while your other hand was soothingly rubbing circles on her back, the both of you waiting and praying that the pills would work soon so Leah could at least get back into the bed as you softly whispered to her. "It's a new kind of bad, isn't it?"

Leah nodded the slightest bit, letting you know that whatever pain she was feeling, it was worse than anything she had experienced before concerning the endometriosis that she was diagnosed with a year ago and that was saying something because some of the flare-ups had been nasty as shit over the years, a pain that you couldn't imagine as Leah was trying to breathe through it, slight relief flooding over her as she finally felt the painkillers do their jobs and make the cramps more livable as she slowly started to sit up, your hands supporting her and giving her something to lean on as she managed to drag her body to a sitting position, your hands gently cupping her face as she was sitting, your thumbs wiping the stray tears away as your eyes locked.

"Do you want me to carry you to bed?" Your voice was still soft and gentle as all of the sleepiness had removed itself from your body, a slow nod of confirmation getting you to stand up and then crouch down besides her in a squatting position as you scooped your arms under her knees and under her shoulders, picking her up bridal style as her weak arms wrapped themselves around your neck for stability as you brought the both of you back to your bed, gently placing your girlfriend on her side of the bed as you went through the suite to turn all of the lights off again. When you found the bed, Leah immediately wrapped herself around you, her head resting on your chest as she always loved listening to your heartbeat.

You took a quick glance at the clock to see that it had reached 4 AM, the both of you needing to be on the pitch for practice in 4 hours. Leah's breathing had regulated as the painkillers seemed to really do their job now, giving her a little bit more room to being able to communicate, her hands gripping your oversized shirt that you wore as your pajama, her voice soft and wavering. "I'm sorry."

You were quick to shush her in a gentle way, playing with her hair just the way that she liked you to. "Hey, no, we will figure it out tomorrow, okay? We will get you a weighted blanket and a heating pad tomorrow. Everything will be okay."

"But what if I can't play? I'm supposed to be captaining the team. The girls are counting on me."

You gently put your free hand under her chin and slowly turned her face towards yours, your lips meeting hers in a delicate, free kiss, a kiss that she immediately reciprocated, some of her doubts drowning, focusing on your voice when the kiss was broken. "There is no need to worry about that now. You will be able to play and even if you're not, everyone will be here for you and no one is going to look at you differently, how is the pain?"

The softest and slightest of smiles appeared on Leah's face at your words, you always knowing just what to say to her to get her nerves and anxiety to calm down. Even if it's just the slightest of bits. "You're right. Thank you. The pain is manageable now."

You nodded your head as your eyes were closed again, your hand finding its way on Leah's waist, the sleepiness crashing back in on your body as you knew that Leah was okay for now. "Let's get some sleep okay? And when we wake up, we will assess the situation and decide from there."

"That sounds like a good idea, thank you babe. Thank you for everything tonight. I love you."

"I love you too."

Your voice slowly trailed off as you fell back into a heavy sleep, Leah following your example as your calm heartbeat seemed to calm her down, the blonde in your arms finding a peaceful sleep as she had never felt more safe than when she was laying inside of your arms, the love you held for each other running deeper than anything else ever would be able to.

Leah didn't know a lot for sure but what she did know was that she was going to make sure that she would marry you.

She would never want anyone else as no one besides her family had ever cared this much about her as you did.

She was going to get you a ring. A ring that was just as beautiful as you.

And with those thoughts, a small smile graced her soft lips as she fell in a peaceful sleep.

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