Request prompts.

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Since every writer does requests for one-shots on their own way, here is the kind of thing that I want to work with when someone has a request: 

Character: Reader or OC? 
OC: reference picture ( If you want to use one) otherwise a description of what they look like and personality

Plot: Short description of what you want to read/want to happen and based on that I will write a one-shot that goes along with the prompt that you send me.

Footballer: Of course which footballer you want the pairing with

No-go's: I practically only have 1 no-go and that is smut. I refuse to write that and thus, you won't find it in this story because that's the only real no-go I have.

That's basically it. If you have any suggestions or requests, slip right into my dms and I will create the story that you want!

Thank you byeeeeee!!

WOSO one shots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now