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(The drawing's mine, didn't realy have time for anything better)


Ah, it seems that Kokushibo finaly found him. Hiding from his superior wasn't an easy task, even more that he was still in the infinity castle.

''Kokushibo-dono! I didn't see you there, how are you?''

''Nakime told me she never saw you after that session, and that was a week ago Douma. Where were you?''

''Here of course! I can't realy leave this place without Nakime-chan's permission.''

''Mhm... would you like to acompany me for dinner?''

''I already ate, but thank's for the offer!'', a lie.

''If you say so, then maybe next time. See you later Douma.''

''See you later Kokushibo-dono! I'll go with you next time, I promise.'', an obvious lie.

The upper-two demon didn't eat for the whole week. It was quite scary for him to discover his ability of not eating people. Of course Douma was curious how's that possible that he was still alive, but decided not to question it for now. But he did feel more tired and... sleepy? Yeah, that's the word.

Word count: 174

Hi guys! Pls kill me.
I'm so sorry for not updating lately, my brother was in hospital and I couldn't concentrate at all. I know this chapter's short and I hope you'll forgive me for it, but I promise at least another one this week.
Autor-chan's out

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